Friday, October 20, 2006

Lazy To Insert Title

Another boring school day.

First period this morning is Chemistry. As usual, Ms Gan didn't show up, so we wasted that hour playing games. Again, imagine the experience I can earn in RuneScape in that hour.

Next period is Physics. Mr Lim came, told us something about value-added thingy for fifteen minutes and then let us do whatever we want, which we obviously used to play more games. Again, imagine the experience I can earn in RuneScape in that hour.

After that was recess. The Chinese book we had to buy has the same author as last time, and looking at his/her (can't tell his/her gender. Probably a transexual, a homosexual, both, either, or more) face, which is very very ugly, I may add. Disgusting too. Then went to eat sandwiches, went to the library, sing "Somehow is retaining this year!" and read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

English is stupid. We get to see a lame and boring movie. Very lame and very boring. Again, imagine the experience I can earn in RuneScape in that hour.

That's three hours wasted.

CME next, but Mdm Low used it to give us a draft of our results slip. Overall I'm satisified. I don't care about reaching any target goals or thrashing any bubs. Happy-go-lucky works for me. I'll only be disappointed and depressed if I had any target, goals or competition. Go figure.

After lessons, we found a cockroach at the corridor. Filled my empty water bottle at the water cooler and rushed to pour every water molecules inside at the cockroaches. Then Keng Chiaw came and finished it with a combination of water attacks and kicking. Uber pwnage.

And then I went home. Who cares about the Geography lesson two hours later? -.-

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