Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Alright, take a minute to laugh. If you did not laugh at all, please find some way to measure the temperature of your blood. I suspect that it is cold. If it is warm, then you have no sense of humour, and I hereby apologize for making you draw your blood just to take its temperature. XD

Okay, this witty advertisement may be a bit exaggerated, but it is what we should do (only to a slight extent of course). Although we have so many good things in life, they are given in such large quantity that we often overlook them and forget to appreciate them, neither do we bother to stop and think about how shitty our lives would be without them.

For example, the first part about a holiday. Most of us just go, "So what? It's not the only holiday we have." Can you imagine what this world would be like to have no holidays? To work and work and work for three hundred and sixty-five days a year and still continue working on the next day of the new year? Holidays allow us to have a break, but do we appreciate them?

Next time, remember to appreciate them, and cheers for every little good thing in life! Now get your ass over to Thailand and buy me some Cheers Beer to celebrate my birthday tomorrow. XD

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