Friday, May 26, 2006

Friday Daily Post


*prepares one whole box of potato chips and one whole carton of cans of coke for one whole month of solid gaming*

But seriously, if my parents won't stop nagging, I'd have to do a Hellfire Explosion right in their faces or somethin'. *rolls eyes*

Went to school just now with my mother to take my report book. Got to wait for Samuel's parents to finish talking with Mdm Low first, so I took out my Geography Textbook under the table and read. -_- They talk for so long that when I almost finish reading the book, they still haven't finish talking yet. -_- Faizal is next. Luckily, his father is shorter than Samuel's, though still long. -_-

Then my turn. Thank Lord Saradomin the teacher knows how to use propaganda to make my results (which in my opinions, sucks like hell, thanks to my daily gaming routine :D) appear god-like to my mother. Now I kinda know why "propaganda" starts with "pro" o_O. (Nothing to do with an arrogant little "self-proclaimed pro" whom we all "loved". )

Guess I should be posting my results. I know it sucks, so just shut up if you don't have any positive comments to say.

English - 54.3 - C6
Chinese - 62.0 - B4
Additional Maths - 63.8 - B4
Elementary Maths - 75.0 - A1
Pure Chemistry - 56.6 - C5
Pure Physics - 60.1 -B4
Combined Humanities (SS and History) - 52.0 - C6
Pure Geography - 66.9 - B3

Edit: I am laughing out loud right now at the fact that I could actually get a lowly B4 for A. Maths in the past.

Meh, I've got to say I'm proudest at three subjects: E. Maths, P. Geography and P. Physics. Why? Because E. Maths is my only A1 (or A for that matter -_-), and I beat Yoshida (aka Death God) in both P. Geog. and P. Physics (Physics by 2 marks!)!

Total was 490.7/800, with percentage of 61.3%. Ranked 19/42 in class and 87/238 in level. Whatever, I don't care, as long as I passed.

Edit: Wow, holy shit. I can actually rank 19th with a freaking B4 in A. Maths?

Now let's take a look at what comments my teacher have. Italic words are my comments. :P

English: An industrious and discliplined student. He has the potential to do even better in the subject. An English teacher indeed, to make me use the dictionary just to find the meaning of "industrious". -_- For those of you who don't know too, it means diligent and hardworking in work or study. Right. This is English we are talking about... -_- Let's see the next part... "Has the potential to do even better in the subject." Of course, I can do a lot better in the subject, so long as I can get a new teacher whose voice won't make me sleep. -_-

Chinese: He has the potential for further development. Appears that the teacher is too focus on Alvin that she hardly knows anything about her other students and has to anyhow give comments just to fill in the blank space beside "Chinese" that says "Comments".

A. Maths: He can achieve better grades with some competition. For Lord Saradomin's sake, I'm sitting beside Yoshida (aka Death God) in class! And he has 89 in A. Maths, top in class! If that isn't competition, then what is?! :|

E. Maths: He takes his work seriously and has achieved a good set of Maths results. *looks at the E. Maths file beside my schoolbag buried under mountains of unfiled E. Maths worksheets* You call that "take my work seriously"?! o_O

Chemistry: Is an attentive and well-behaved student. Is capable of improving further with continued effort. *looks at my Chemistry textbook, filled with names of skills, drawings of weapons, stats of monsters and whatnot data of what I should use in the games I am designing that I wrote/drew during Chemistry lessons* You call this "attentive"?! o_O Then again, compared to those others who slept like Snorlaxes... *pats himself on the back*

"I sleep when I finished eating and eat when I finished sleeping! Do you have any problems with that?!

Physics: He is attentive during lesson. He is able to achieve his goals with consistent effort. Attentive? Oh well, this is one of the very rare teachers in which I can listened to him for an hour and not fell asleep. :P

Combined Humanities: Needs improvement. Strive to revise and practice more frequently. Indeed. ^_^"

Geography: Capable of better results. Blimey! That's all?!

Physical Education: He is determined Determined what? Determined to kill the teacher for forcing me to run rounds around the school like an idiot every single week?! *rolls eyes*

That's all. I'll update my blog song tomorrow, and I have in mind what can annoy a certain someone most. (You know who you are.)

This blog post was edited on 31 October 2007 to nuke those fucking broken images.

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