Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Argh *freaks out*

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. So fast?! O.O

Alright, I already know who to give, what to give and why to give, but I still not know how to give, when to give or where to give. Anyone willing to, please show me the path to the road of enlightenment. In other words, anyone with pieces of advice, please offer. Thanks. XD

If only we have walkthroughs and strategy guides on the Internet for Valentine's Day instead of games like Final Fantasy.

Got the results of my A. Maths test in school today. When the teacher announced that the lowest got 4 or 7 out of 25, Yoshida says "Thank you. Thank you." as if signifying that it is him who got the lowest. Well, he's always like that, claiming he flunked his test every time. Well, if he failed, everyone will fail too, he's easily the ace of the class in mathematics. Anyway, when the teacher announced the highest got 23 out of 25, I followed him and went "Thank you. Thank you." for fun. Yoshida replied, "Obviously not me.", which I heard as "Obviously not you [you refers to me]." due to the fact that I said something to signify as if I got 23 (which I actually have no idea who got 23). And then when the teacher announced my name, I was like Holy shit! So I went to Yoshida and literally shouted at him, repeating his words, "Obviously not me!?", which I still thought refers to me. Whole class was clapping (:DD) and Vernon was doing the "Wtf?" hand gesture to me. Haha, bub got only 7. XD

Earlier, I spent one whole hour of Chemistry sleeping. Felt alert after hearing the bell ring, signifying the end of the period; so alert that I shouted "Storm, earth and fire - Heed my call!" XD

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