Monday, March 12, 2007

One Piece Movie 8

Lol, the eighth One Piece movie: Episode of Alabasta, Princess of the Desert and the Pirates is already out in Japan for like nine days. Can't wait for it to be subbed. :P

Found some pictures as well lol.

Awwww, Vivi looks so poor thing and yet cute at the same time.

It's Ephraim! Fear teh Okama Way! ...Nah, it's just Mr. 2 Bon Clay. :3

Zoro clashes against Mr. 1's Spiral Hollows attack. Can't wait to see Zoro unleashing Shishi Sonson in HDTV XD (wait, he did unleashed it in HDTV, episode 299 when he fought Kaku o.O).

I wonder whether Luffy, while saving Robin (or Miss All-Sunday as she was known back then), would cause his crew a whole lot of trouble (like going through Enies Lobby?) XD

Okay, this is just pwnage. Can't wait to see Luffy do a Gomu Gomu no Storm in HDTV as well XD (the one used against Aokiji suck, okay? :3)

And a bonus picture from manga chapter 448. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Franky and Robin are under attack by a group of zombies. Thus,

PWNAGE! "600.000.000 Beri" in the name of the combo attack refers to their combined bounty, which is actually (300 000 000 + 120 000 000 + 80 000 000 + 77 000 000 + 44 000 000) Beri = 621 000 000 Beri to be precise. XD Other than that, yeah, it pwns. XD

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