Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Woke up with a damn fever, shivering out of coldness. Covered myself with blanket and listened to music to prevent me from falling asleep lol. Turned off the music at 6.45am, where I told myself that I must prepare for school now. Then I ended up sleeping again, dreaming some awfully weird stuff. My mother woke me up at 7am and I reluctantly went to school. Damn fever.

Please kindly refer to the blog post School Day to even have any idea what I am talking about, unless you come from my class. Or I shall quote. ^_^"

When we reached the classroom, rumours of the whole class getting a yellow form for each student are spread by Mr. Sean Philip Lim, our dear President of the Student Councillor who is not to be mixed up with the other Sean, who is a really good friend of mine. Some sarcastically cheer, some were shocked, some were surprised, some showed genuine terror in their face. I was one of those who cheered. :P Mr. President has some verbal problems, thus when asked why, his answer does not sound as if it belongs in an English dictionary. And when Yoshida went to pick up the two flyers on childhood cancer that were given to us just now and which we threw away onto the floor (:P), I suspected it was because of littering in our class. Well, I just took a look at the messy piles of textbooks and workbooks Angeline and Hiok Joo, the two girls who sit in front of me, dumped messily and I can tell as much. I replied by picking up the tissue Ephraim used for wiping marker ink out of a transparency the previous day and chucking it into the bin.

Elementary Mathematics (E. Maths for short) was next. When the teacher, who happens to be our form teacher, came in, the first thing she talked about was us getting yellow forms. Apparently, it was because during the last two days, our Physics teacher was sick (hope he gets well soon, he's one of the best science teachers I ever had... Then again, the competition isn't really strong...) and a relief teacher came for two of his periods. She gave us topics in the Ten-Years-Series to do. After writing the instructions, she cared no more about the class, going off one side and reading a book (which Yoshida strongly believes is a Kama Sutra) and when the bell rings, signifying the end of the class, she just walks off without dismissing us. And then, guess what? She comes and informs the Discliplinary Master that we were making too much noise for the two hours she was in our class! Now come on, this is pure injustice, and you know it. Of course, the whole class knows it as well, so we made cries of protest to our form teacher. She better brings justice to this case, I tell you... Of course, we can solve it by another alternate way that involves the word 'violence'. :) The unhappy class asks for her name, hoping to settle it with her one way or another. Our teacher seems to be able to read our minds, and refused to give her name, until a while later reveals it as "Cynthia", which was also the name of one of our classmates. Needless to say, everyone went to stare at her. Yoshida, being very unhappy, wants to write her name on the Death Note, with a very cruel, evil and sadistic way of killing her, for which I shall not blog about due to the fact that I do not wish any children reading this to get a haunted nightmare tonight. Yoshida also talked something about a petition, asking the whole school to sign it. Then we will show it to the principal. If he rejects it, we take it to the MOE, and if that doesn't work, we'll take it to the President of the United States!! Though I was fast to note that George Bush probably doesn't even care about us anyway. XD Honestly, if the whole class really got yellow forms, this is going to be the most rediculous discliplinary action ever taken in the whole history of education, which existed as far as back as Greek times if not earlier.

Okay, now let's get back to the recount of today's eventful school day.

First lesson was Physics. Yoshida, Ephraim, Vernon and I quickly grabbed our pencil boxes and Physics textbooks (Ephraim bought his Physics Ten-Years-Series as well) and rushed to the Physics lab. Both Physics labs were empty, and no sight of teacher. We waited for ten minutes, then wandering about the absence of Larry (compared to our other classmates, Larry can be considered swift in attending lessons). We then decided to go back to class to check it out. Turns out the teacher is absent again, and HOLY FUCK! We got the same relief teacher! OMGWTFBBQHAX!

This time, after giving us the assignment of doing the first topic and second topic of the Physics Ten-Years-Series respectively, she gives us the third topic to do, and now, without her Kama Sutra, just sits down there, staring at us like a crow on the branch of a tree. Feeling bored, Yoshida and I started to play blackjack, using $100 spectacle vouchers as "casino tokens" (we were only supposed to have one each, but they gave us fifteen, and there are no one behind us to fight to, so might as well). It was only until fifteen minutes to the end of the lesson (and coincidentally, that time was exactly the time I won all "$1500") did she hop out of her seat (wow, I thought someone put super glue on her chair) and confiscated my cards. Yoshida pointed a middle finger (not like it's uncommon), and I followed (not like it's uncommon again). Not that I care, those cards are cheap anyway. :P Approximately five minutes later, she striked again, confiscating the cards of another group of students (some smart alecs kept the cards in their hands hidden under the table to avoid confiscation, though one might ask what the use of a deck of cards is if more than half of the cards are missing). And guess what we did? Cleverly, Yoshida and I used our markers to write numbers of deck of cards and continued playing blackjack, although the deck only has fifteen cards and other than two numbers (Ace and King), has only one copy of each number. XD We were sort of trying to attract the bitch's attention so she can confiscate the vouchers as well (we don't want them to begin with), but she didn't. Damn. At the end of the lesson, she wrote on the whiteboard "4R2, please prepare for detention for one whole week next week, ask your friends why" or some crap like that. We were all cheering sarcastically, and she ran off. What a bitch. The entire class started discussing about the detention, and Ephraim noted one good point, she never even smiled at all throughout the entire lesson. Either she is thoroughly emotionless and cold-blooded, or she is a cyborg made by the hands of an evil scientist bent on conquering the world. o.O

History was next, which our teacher is none other than the disciplinary teacher himself. We showed him the text on the whiteboard (ta-dah) and started a heated discussion on why we do not deserve it. Yada yada. He then continued showing us about the video about China (refer to second last paragraph on blog post CA is here. Bring it!). Was resisting the huge urge to sleep (partially due to the drowsiness caused by taking panadol to relieve my fever, or so I believe), but was not sleeping out of courtesy. End of period, my head slammed onto the table and I started snoring. XD

Social Studies next. Copied corrections for source based questions while the teacher is flashing them on the projector, and cured my sleepiness (a nicer phrase to replace "sleep", it makes me look more, you know, hardworking? :P) while waiting for slower "copiers". After that, teacher showed some interesting PowerPoint slides. Wonder where she gets them.

Recess next. While queuing up to buy sandwiches, I saw Larry, buying drinks from the adjacent stall. I called him and asked him to help me buy a bottle of drink, handing him money. After buying it for me, he threatened, "Waste my time. I'll be watching you." Wow, Larry, student councillor, watching me and taking care of me. I'm soooo honoured! XD Went to a bench to eat, then went up to the library. Saw Ephraim and Yoshida exiting, so I followed as well. They were walking around the crowded canteen, not knowing what to buy. Then, Yoshida got a can drink from the vending machine and went to sit down at a bench together with Vernon and I. I was asking where Ephraim is, when Yoshida simply points downwards at the ground and go, "There he is" (denoting how short he is). When we heard the bell ring, we stood up and step on where Yoshida said Ephraim is. XD

E. Maths next, where we did a Vector worksheet. As again, I was rushing through it. :D Fucking liquid paper broke half way, making me spend an awfully long time on trying to repair it.

Chinese next. Teacher again tried to improve our oral skills (no, not that oral, the oral as in speech), and this time the topic of the examines was about students traveling aboard a few days not only for leisure purposes, but for educational as well. No go with the fixing of the liquid paper (the teacher was bitching about it. Hey, come on, I'm still listening, right? Or do I really have to necessarily look at your face?), and got really furious with it. Then we ended up having to write a short essay on whether we would go on one if we were given the chance. I copied one whole chunk from the example she gave. I'll sure get scolded, but nmaa, who cares? I laugh in the face of death. XD

English next. I chucked my damn useless liquid paper into the bin. More than two thirds of it was unused. God damn, waste my money. English lesson was about letter writing format. Psh.

A. Maths follow. I finished early and went to sleep. XD

Hope my fever clears up soon. :X

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