Monday, April 02, 2007

Long Time No Blog

Sorry to disappoint the majority of my adversaries, antagonists, archenemys, backbiters, betrayers, contenders, defamers, defilers, enemies, foes, opponents, rivals, slanderers, traitors and villain, but just because I have not blogged for approximately one week does not mean that I am dead.

I have lost almost most of my interest in blogging. Sure, I may blog once in a blue moon when I feel like doing so, but meh, I doubt anyone read my blog anyway.

School is getting more and more boring with each passing second, and I was unfortunately wrong to believe that it had already exceeded the extreme point of boringness (yes, there is such a word) and could not get any more boring. My love life seems to be crumbling as my chance of success seems to decrease steadily and frequently with each passing second. Still having difficulty understanding why girls can be so cruel.

The subbed version of Digimon Savers episode 48 (the last episode) is still not out yet. Sigh. The suspension is killing me.

Addicted to reading Pokémon Adventures nowadays. I've went on and bought two volumes in two days, and the books are not cheap at all. Finished reading volume 16. Can't wait to get my hands on 17, but there's still the economical factor to consider.

Bet I flunked today's Chinese oral test. One bunch of words in the passage are words I have never come upon in my life, and naturally has no freaking idea how to read those fucking words. Screwed up the conversation as well with one bunch of bullshit I made and created out of thin air. I doubt even a three-year-old would accept it. Oh well, what's done is done. To quote the losers on Nugget Bridge in Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow, Fire Red and Leaf Green when you defeated them, "I did my best. I have no regrets." It calmed me down a bit for a while, before I remembered the cruel fact, that those were excuses for their defeats. And I quoted it. Don't get the point? They were excuses for their defeats. Yup, I'm getting owned, that's that.

Still there's the English oral test to worry about, combined with the Chinese letter writing test and History test, all piled up tomorrow. Screw it, no wonder our form teacher had to waste one hour talking about stress. Don't they understand that the stress we are suffering is because of them? Pffft. And freak, that reminds me of the conversation part of the Chinese oral test. Stress due to excessive homework. Pffft.

I'm getting screwed.

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