Thursday, April 05, 2007

Saradominists, Guthixians and Zamorakians


Oh allmighty saradomin

how do i regonice a zamorakian guthixian and saradominist from each other?

your humble folloer

It's hard to believe how a fellow Saradominist can have such lousy English spelling. Anyway, I'll fix it up.

Oh, almighty Saradomin

How do I recognize a Saradominist, Guthixian and Zamorakian from each other?

Your humble follower

Note: Zamorakians don't deserve to be first. They deserve to be last.

And Lord Saradomin's reply:

Ask them for help;
A follower of mine will offer assistance instantly, for they are pure of heart and know the glory of performing good deeds in my name.
A cursed Zamorakian will likely call you a noob and laugh in your face, for they hold all life in contempt.
A Guthixian will likely be consumed by an inner turmoil as they struggle to decide whether helping you will be changing the balance of things too much...

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