Sunday, June 03, 2007

Boring Banquet Lol

I went for a boring banquet yersterday night, zzz.

Dave and I sat on one table lol, while Mark and Edmond went off to sit at another table, so generally I hardly spoke to Mark and Edmond throughout the entire night yersterday. Then some more they make so noisy and so hot, so I sort of force Dave to accompany me go outside walk twice. XD

We went to Eunos MRT Station for our walks, and damn, there are so many freaking banglas there. X( See sian already lor... Then we down there talking about swarming zombies, submachine guns and playing House of the Dead, if you get what I mean. XD

Then got one time we sitting at the MRT Station there, then got three banglas sitting behind us. I was like, "Prepare yourself, they may attack us from our backs using stealth techniques." It being night and all. XD Then Dave say I think too much, lol, then what "See how many people there are here." And I was like, "Good point... But wait, now at night leh, they can see us we cannot see them." XD Then I Pokémon-addict, suggest, "Simple, use Sunny Day." XD

Then during the end, when dessert is served in plastic containers for some weird reason, they turn off the lights for some dragon dance performance, lol. Not the Dragon Dance that increases Attack and Speed, but this dragon dance. ^_^" Then Dave's mother kept asking Dave to eat, lol, then Dave is like, "So dark, eat what shit?" Reminds me of a certain awfully bad dinner. X(

Then I went paranoid again, "Draw your swords, my brethren! This is the time when the enemy excels!" XD Then while watching the dragon dance I ate one container of dessert after another. XD Then eat three finish, while it's still dark no one can see, put it somewhere else in the table. *shifty eyes*

Then end of banquet, grandmother and Edmond carrying three containers of the dessert each home. XD I went over to the other table and asked Mark if he dares to copy them and kope the dessert home or not. He replied with no. XD Same here same here. XD

Then we went home, whee.

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