Tuesday, October 02, 2007

CHANGI 国际鸟场 o.O

I was watching the Chinese comedy on television last night on Channel 8, 搞笑至尊 (World of Laughs). Once, this guy decided to rename all of the chickens in the world from "鸡" (means "chicken" in Chinese) to "鸟" (means "bird" in Chinese). o.O

So another guy is like o.O and asks, so what about "chicken rice"? "鸡饭" (chicken rice) got renamed to "鸟饭" (bird rice). XD So the guy asked again, "What about "机关枪" [means "machine gun" in Chinese. "机" (meaning "machine) is read the same way as "鸡" (chicken), jī]?"

So "机关枪" became "鸟关枪" (literally meaning "bird close gun", which makes absolutely no sense o.O). XD And another one comes and asks, "Then wouldn't CHANGI 国际机场 (Changi International Airport) become CHANGI 国际鸟场 (Changi International Bird Farm)!?" XD XD

CHANGI 国际鸟场 o.O... That's so becoming my MSN nick. XD

Sigh... Two tests for today, History and Social Studies, each with two Structure-Essay Questions. History was on Gorbachev and the fall of Communism in the Soviet Union, while Social Studies was on Good Governance. Man, I wrote too brief, didn't bother to elaborate much. Hope I can get good scores even despite this. XD

After recess, while waiting for the maths teacher to come, I was hanging around the corridor outside the classroom as usual, looking outside. Suddenly, the maths teacher came and asked me, "What are you doing outside? Don't you have any friends to hang out with? Did you have a quarrel with Yoshida?" Yeah, I was thinking of a very huge

here. Coincidentally, Yoshida came along, lol. He was like "o.O", and not knowing whether to laugh or not. XD I went into the classroom, telling Yoshida audibly (and hopefully loud enough so that the teacher can "overhear" us), "Sigh... We're in a cruel and harsh age where even standing alone outside the classroom admiring the scenery can be deemed as an anti-social act committed by someone who has no friends... Sigh... I pity our children and grandchildren. The next generation is doomed." XD

And finally, during the last period of Chinese, I got pretty bored and started drawing Zabimaru and Tensa Zangetsu. XD

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