Sunday, October 28, 2007

New Blog Layout

Haha, I got myself a new blog layout of an anime that I has just recently started watching: Tsubasa Chronicle. :D

Edit made on 26th February 2008:

Here is the banner by the way.

And the footer.

The anime isn't bad at all from what I can tell by watching the first few episodes. Sakura, Princess of the Clow Kingdom, lost her feathers somehow, and with that, her memories. Syaoran, Sakura's childhood friend and boyfriend, decides to travel across worlds, where her feathers are all scattered across. He is later joined by two men, a strong ninja swordsman named Kurogane, and a powerful magician named Fay (pronounced as "Fai") D. Flourite.

But man, how long will the journey/adventure be? It sounds even more difficult and ridiculous than gathering the Rings of the Dead in Zombie Powder, man. At least, one, we know that there are just twelves Rings of the Dead, while who knows how many feathers Sakura have scattered? Two, Zombie Powder is just set in one world, but the feathers are all scattered across different worlds, and they have to travel between them one after another.

Good luck, Syaoran, 'pose you'll need it.

And oh,


And lastly, sorry I am late (this edit was made on 29 October, one day after this blog entry ^_^"), but:

I doubt it he'll see this anyway. :P

Note: I'd like to add that the two birthday cakes are koped from Google Image Search [just type in 'birthday' ;)] and the font I used is the exact same font Vernon uses on MSN (a combination of Messenger Plus! Live chat logging and Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 easily allows me to obtain that information XD).

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