Friday, October 19, 2007

More miscellaneous stuff

Souten ni zase, Hyourinmaru!
Sit upon the frosted heavens, Ice Ring!

Bankai! Daiguren Hyourinmaru!
Final Release! Great Crimson Lotus Ice Ring!

Dragon Hail Frame!

Sennen Hyourou!
Thousand Years Ice Prison!

Well, there is one test in my life that I remember quite well. It is none other than the Chemistry test on Organic Chemistry that I took on 20 September this year. Well, why did I particularly choose to remember it? You see, I have given up on the subject Chemistry long before the teacher started teaching the chapter(s) on Organic Chemistry, so I know next to nothing about the damned topic. Of course, that would mean that I have next to zero knowledge about Organic Chemistry, and there is nothing I can do for the test other than to screw it up. Of course, I remember it particularly well because I've went and decided to write "A"s for all ten of the MCQs, and happily got four of them correct. :D But hey, I just realized something.

There is a question that I got correct, and the question goes like this:

What is the reason for giving natural gas a characteristic smell?
To detect gas leaks.

To be honest, the answer comes pretty naturally and instinctively for me, yet for a long time until now, I haven't been able to figure out just how did I ponder to this piece of information. I have never ever read any part of my Chemistry textbook regarding Organic Chemistry, so just how the heck in the world did I know that they give natural gas a smell to detect gas leaks??

And very luckily and unexpectedly, the answer to this thought-provoking question comes to me today while I was studying Geography just now.

In my Human Geography textbook, under the chapter of Resources in the Case Study of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Brunei, specifically on page 186, there contains a little box of additional information that is added just to create interest in that relevant topic:
Natural gas does not have any odour. As part of the production process, chemicals are added to the natural gas to give it the familiar smell of rotten eggs so that potentially lethal gas leaks can be quickly detected.
Oho! That just very effectively solved the question! No wonder I know about it!! XD

Haha, I found this interesting picture of Ikkaku swinging his Ryuumon Houzukimaru around and around. XD

Damn it, man, damn it. I just read School Rumble chapter 245, and I think I am going to stop supporting Harima and Tenma as a pair! At the start of the series, I supported the pairing because it seems that Harima, who puts in so much effort and devotion into chasing Tenma, should deserve her, but now it seems as if Tenma doesn't even deserve Harima at all! Despite Harima putting in so much effort, Tenma just keeps breaking Harima's heart, once after another! Especially in chapter 245!! That's just too freaking cruel, even for such a devoted guy like Harima!! Man, Harima definitely deserves a better girl.

That's it. Starting from this moment onwards, I'm support Harima and Yakumo. Mm-hmm. *nods*

And yeah, if you think that Robin grabbing Franky's testicles and squeezing it hard in One Piece hurts, just look at what Eri did to Harima in School Rumble chapter 246.

Ouch. Just ouch.

And heh, I was quite missing Castle Wars, my favorite mini-games from RuneScape, so I decided to Google "Castle Wars", looking for guides, blogposts, images or videos about that awesome game for some reminiscing. And guess what I found? An online flash game named "Castle Wars"! XD

The flash game is quite nice, if I dare say so myself.

At the start of the game, you are given eight cards. These cards are your main method of movement, and they are divided into categories like offense, defense and support. Attacking cards, obviously, attacks your enemy's castles, while defensive cards build up your fence and castle.

The goal of the game is either to decimate your enemy's castle, or to build your castle up to a hundred floors. To play each card, you need a certain amount of resources, which are categorized into three types of resources, bricks (often for defensive cards), weapons (often for attacking) and crystals (often for supportive, although one card, Dragon, attacks, and another, Pixies, defends).

There are also builders, soldiers and magic, which set the rate at which your bricks, weapons and crystals respectively respawn. The more the better, as your resources will respawn at a faster rate, so I often want to build these up. :D

My favorite card is Curse. Although it requires an expensive 45 magic crystals, it increases all of your stats by one, including your amounts of builders, soldiers and magic each, as well as decrease all of your opponents' stats by one, including his amounts of builders, soldiers and magic each! What a pwnage card!

And lol, I decided to drag a game, refusing to get a Game Over no matter what, so as to build up my forces... Though I still end up accidentally ending the game. ^_^" Take a look at how well I did! XD

And heh, I just watched One Piece episode 326... It's so funny that Chopper is so freaking proud that he has a pathetic and measly bounty of 50 belli... XD

All right, some fucking insect noob just decides to be funny and irritate me by flying onto my neck. Freaking scared the wits outta me, a sneaky and filthy backstab like that and all. Luckily, while examining my neck to find out the source of the itch, I pinched down on it hard, so that weakened it and prevented it from flying around.

With my trusty lighter,

I copied Arc, the main character of Arc the Lad I and Arc the Lad II, and performed his signature "Burn Ground" attack!

And we have one fried insect coming right up!

Disgusting, ya?



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