Friday, July 13, 2007


Lol at title, I'll elaborate on why I chose it later. :P

Today is Fym's birthday, lol. I'd like to wish her a Happy Birthday here. :D Though I wonder what it feels like to have one's birthday on an unlucky day like Friday the 13rd, lol. :S Let's hope that the reverse happens to Fym on her birthday and she'll enjoy an extremely lucky day. :D

I still have Internet connectivity problems. Yeah, the same one as the one that popped up two days ago. Damn, I'm absolutely helpless against it. Had no freaking idea how to fix it and thus had to try and get used to life without going online, lol. My father's saying we can go out to get me a new modem tomorrow, but one, I hope he keeps that promise of his, and two, the new modem we buy (if we are buying one, that is. ^_^" Don't forget I'm a pessimist, lol) better be compatible with my computer and doesn't give me as many problems and headaches as this one *points at current modem*.

Having nothing to do offline, I decided to try my hands on doing an AMV (Anime Music Video), lol. The anime I used is School Rumble, and the song is Kimi e - Kaze ni Nosete (To You - Carried on the Wind). My AMV focuses mainly on main character Harima Kenji [I mean, after all, he was the one who sang the song! XD Ok, his seiyuu (voice actor) did to be honest, but I don't see much difference XD] as he struggles to confess to Tenma that he likes her, lol, something Harima has been struggling to do for, what, fifty-four episodes so far, including the OVAs? XD

The clips are easy to obtain. After all, I have downloaded all twenty-six episodes of School Rumble Nigakki [I doubt I would be using clips from School Rumble (as in the first season), lol. Harima wears a moustache in the first half (which makes him look a lot older, hehheh), and is shaved bald the second half (which looks disgusting to be honest X( ), lol. I prefer his look in School Rumble Nigakki]. Though, there is a problem... Windows Movie Maker hangs too mother-fucking much!! X( X( X( It hangs like every minute, and it takes another minute to restart everything. Oh my fucking god. X( I got extremely frustrated, lol. So far I have managed to finish one third of the AMV before going insane due to Windows Movie Maker hanging continuously, but I'll finish it... somehow. XD Yeah, I suppose I have to find more clips from episodes later. I ran out of clips of "Harima's eye", lol.

And for those of you who have no idea what "Harima's eye" means, Harima has a self-devastating ability. When he activates his ability, Tenma, who he likes, turns into an extremely cute and beautiful girl. Hang on, I'll post a picture. XD

Okay, on to school life!

I'm getting sick of being unable to hear any announcements announced during morning assembly, since my class was shoved off to a loudspeaker-devoid area. -.- Can't hear any shit sitting down there, lol... Of course, ironically, I did hear what I didn't want to. Some lame teacher was telling us to greet our classmates for some reason. -_- Of course, Yoshida, Vernon and I immediately thought of "GOOOOOOOOOOOOD MOOOOOOOOOOOOORNING ICHIGOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" (hence the title of this blog post, heh), which Ichigo's father, Isshin, from Bleach would always shout as he attempts a sneak attack on Ichigo early in the morning. XD

First period was Chinese. Didn't do much. Can't remember what I did. Oops.

Second period was Chemistry. I was killing one hour worth of time by doing revision exercise questions on my A. Maths textbook. Wasted three pieces of foolscap paper just to do so. T_T Yoshida, driven by extreme boredom, took his tissue paper, wet it using water from the sink next to him, and put it on the table, where the tissue sticked to the table and became 'camouflaged', lol, making it hard to see. I didn't know what he was doing initially [remember, I'm doing A. Maths ;)], so when he told me to look and then proceeded to peel the tissue paper off the table, I was amazed, rofl. I thought he was peeling off some protective plastic sheet attached to the table to prevent vandalism or something. XD

It was English next. Went through comprehension. Kinda boring, lol. I was reading the composition questions and comprehension passages in the Ten-Years-Series.

It was recess after that. Ephraim disappeared. Must have used his skill, Minimize, again, making him impossible to find, and thus raising his evasion to infinity. :O Yoshida, Vernon and I, with nothing to do, went to the library and watched Kuan Hon (I hope I spell his name correctly ^_^") play Tower Defense on Warcraft III, lol. I was wondering how come he has so many towers and yet so many gold when I saw him play. Turns out he used the Greedisgood cheat code (which gives you an amount of resources equal to a number you type after the code). -.-

CME later. Had to go to the hall to listen to cock. Lame lah. Vernon and Ephraim were trying their best to sleep, lol, though Ephraim couldn't, he found it too hot. Lame leh, talk what Racial Harmony and National Education. -_- They ask us what three words we would think of when we mention National Education. My three words? Boring. Lame. Stupid. :) Then we had to do one bunch of shit for Racial Harmony Day, like wear ethical costume, sew some stupid rug and design a class flag. What's the freaking point of doing all that shit? How do you achieve racial harmony by wearing ethical costume? ...Okay, it's difficult to add a comment and make it not racist, so I'll pass. ^_^" How do you achieve racial harmony by sewing some stupid rug? I don't need to add a sarcastic comment for you to understand this. And design a class flag? Simple.

There! Here is my class flag, designed by yours truly. A hammer and a sickle are the way to go on the true communist road! Why communist though... No idea. XD

Then we were supposed to draw our design for the stupid rug. Sian lah. Yoshida suggest to draw one "死", which means death, so I did so, rofl. Obviously the teacher rejected it. Vernon and Ephraim did something like the cross of the Anti-Drug Abuse Ribbon (which we received one each during that time in the form of an useful magnetic bookmark) and a hollow (as in the Hollows from Bleach), lol. Well, at least they drew a hollow mask on it. I was the one who helped them add the hole in the centre. XD They then add patterns of a coin into it, and drew a circle to surround their drawing with a compass, so now it became a coin with a anti-drug hollow (if there's such a thing o.O) in the middle. o.O Vernon wrote the quote below it, "Only a gifted artist is able to draw a perfect circle." or something like that. o.O And behind, Vernon drew the yin-yang symbol thingy, rofl. Yoshida decided to draw a good one anyhow just to satisfy the teacher. He drew a fish and labeled it freedom, probably because fishes enjoy freedom swimming in the wide oceans. He showed it to the teacher, and the teacher seems pleased. He then went to draw the skeleton of a fish below it, labeling the fish "before" and the skeleton "above". XD Yoshida also labeled the skeleton "freedom", but it didn't make sense, so Ephraim suggested "destiny", which I wrote. Rofl, fishes have the freedom to swim the oceans and the destiny to get eaten with only skeleton left. XD XD

Next was Geography. I came up with a good idea. Since I have to take my A. Maths test (which I missed, it was on Monday or Tuesday, I think, either one), I might as well take it during Geography. Now not only can I have an excuse to skip Geography, I can save time! Yay! :D Problem is, Geography today was canceled, and I didn't know until after I finished my test, when I asked Alvin why very few people remain in the classroom. -_- The test was not bad, lol. Two questions I did not know how to do and skipped. :P

Okay, end of blog post. Ta-dah for now! *goes off to watch School Rumble to find more clips*

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