Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sigh, computer problems again

Sigh, computer encountered problems again yesterday. Was enjoying playing it without problems when out of a sudden, the monitor doesn't receive any signal. We called the computer repairman to come again, and after inspection, big problem. The motherboard is unstable, and so is the power supply. Due to the old processor that the computer is using, the repairman did not think that simply replacing those two hardware would be wise, and that buying another new one would be cleverer.

In other words, my computer has reached the end of its life, sigh... First, a moment of silence for it.


And now, a tribute. Farewell, my computer. Thank you, and goodbye. May you rest in peace.

Well, I have no idea when I would get to buy a new computer. My family isn't doing very good financially at the moment, so I wouldn't be a mother fucker and pester the adults for it. So I'm just gonna cross my arms and hope they buy one soon, while if they choose not to, then I have no choice but to sigh and dream of what life is like with a computer... XD

So what have I been doing to while time away? I've been playing Final Fantasy XII on the PlayStation 2 lol. Bought it for months now, but I've only started playing seriously now. Hope I can clear the game without much difficulty... XD

My father surprised me by buying McDonald's for breakfast lol. Three hotcakes, a piece of hash brown and an apple pie. The hotcakes taste great, especially with honey and butter lol, though admittedly, this isn't saying much, since the last time I ate hotcakes was a long time ago indeed, cooked by my mother, and let's just say that her hotcakes-cooking skills aren't really the best... ^_^" The hash brown was great too, but admittedly as well, this isn't saying much either, as hash browns has been my favorite part of breakfast at McDonald's from as long as I can remember... XD It's the first time I'm eating apple pies if I can remember correctly, I don't order them myself, lol. Somehow I thought that pies are supposed to be circular (pi, 3.142, circle, get it?), but instead this one has a rectangular shape, lol. Of course, eating it makes me think of a number that goes 3.1415926535...... XD

By the way, computer's down, so I'm typing this on the handphone. Damn, it's hard to type, the keyboard is so small, and my hands are starting to sore!!! If only you can connect the handphone to a computer keyboard and type there, haha.

And oh yeah... How the fuck am I to get my files and documents over to the new computer after I bought one? Shit...

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I found a hidden stash of cans of coca-cola a few days ago, and after only drinking two cans, I went back, and fuck! It's no longer there! My mother must have hid it elsewhere! Nooooooooooooooo!!!

Lol, I was playing Final Fantasy XII just now, and I was on the airship Leviathan, aiming to rescue Princess Ashe (lol, the "Princess saving"-type of RPGs never get old) and then get the hell out. During the escape, some Judge (insert definition of Judge as in FFXII) named Ghis tried to stop the characters from escaping, engaging them in a fight with three Imperial Soldiers. Since the Libra ability given by the accessory Bangle (which gives the player knowledge of enemies' levels and HPs) doesn't work on bosses, I have no idea how exactly strong the Judge was and thus could not be foolish enough to attempt to underestimate it. First commands I give to my characters were to use their Quickenings (which is a very powerful attack which requires the user to have full MP and uses up the entire pool of MP). Vaan uses Red Spiral, Basch uses Fulminating Darkness, bam, KO. Shortest boss battle I've ever fought. Owned. XD

My father was driving just now on the way to a coffee shop for dinner, when he decided to turn off the aircon and instead open the car windows, because of use strong durian smell in the car (we bought durians yesterday night, and to tell the truth, it sucks. Yellowish-white flesh, hard as a rock, total suxxor. I never imagined durians could taste so bad, and yet somehow, my parents think they taste great...). I told him that he must be the only freaking person in Singapore to drive without the aircon on and with the windows open. He replied that he must not be the only one, and he can find another car with windows open. So after three minutes, he found not one, but two of them...! Two! Two!! What the fuck? Since when are Singaporeans so poor?!

Reached the coffee shop and parked at the carpark. The car beside ours was a racing car, and it sure did not try to hide that fact. The entire car is painted with text like "racing car" and "speed". Wow, show off, lol. There was a stamp on the window screen I find interesting and funny.

Lol, joke or no joke? I can't tell. XD But yeah, I gotta admit, the first person I think of after reading that is a fat guy in my class named Alvin... XD

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