Friday, April 11, 2008

Pyromania Around The World

Man, I had such a great dream, haha. I went to Genting with my cousins, Dave, Mark, Edmond and Edwin, and on our return trip, something screwed up, and we had to walk back home instead, LOL! So we slowly took our time and set out on a "journey", haha. I don't know how or why (fuzzy memory), but somehow, two girls girls sort of joined our journey, lol. I think they are facing the same problems like us or something. Anyway, halfway through the trip, we stopped at a playground for a rest, as well as to let Edwin play and the others play for a while.

Just when the mood started to get better from our intensive walking, two Malays showed up and broke it. They did something, I forgot what, but that pissed me off so much that I was clenching my fists. Just when I was about to make the first move, ouch, my party members, kept "accidentally" attacking me, by swinging around some of the playground equipment or something, lol, preventing me to do so.

They were like, "Fighting would only get us into more trouble. Let us settle it instead." and walked forward. Tch. I went like, "Fine." and walked backwards to where Edwin and the two girls are. The two girls were looking at the group of them in discussion kind of fearfully, as if they are afraid of the Malays or something, lol.

Well, so I said something rather cool, haha. I told them, "Don't worry. If they even dare to touch a single hair of yours, I will kill them."

Then they were all staring at me with faces that say, "You're just kidding, aren't you?" So I looked back at them, trying to tell them through eye contact, "Do I look like I'm kidding?" Haha. They looked so cute lor... :P

Then I woke up. =.= Lol.

Because I was rather bored, I thought of doing a Pyromania Around The World, burning logs in every possible location and taking a screenshot, lol. So far my limit was ten, then I got bored. ;_;

Then I went to Duel Arena and Castle Wars with Ollie for fun, haha.

And then it's more Summoning levels.

And then I got into a race with Pizzatsf23, lol. Same goal. :P

Both Naruto chapter 397 and Bleach chapter -106 of this week's manga are great and made me look forward to next week's, haha. Rather weird to see Sasuke with his own Mangekyou Sharingan though, hehe.

I'm really looking forward to listening to Madara's explanation of Itachi. How he sacrificed everything to protect the ninja world, Konoha Village and Sasuke, haha. What a tragic hero.

And Bleach chapter -106 was susprising in the fact that... Kurotsuchi was a man chained up in a dungeon! :O Well, we all knew he was a mad, lunatic, crazy man to begin with, but to that extent? Gee!

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