Monday, May 28, 2007

Chinese 'O' Level Is Over!

Whoohoo, Chinese 'O' level is over! Finally, time to take a breather and relax! of course, I'm holding my breath waiting for the results to come out. XD Hope I can get a A, lol, so I don't have to re-take during the end of year. XD

Funnily, two unexpected things occured during Paper I, lol. Firstly, Vernon got some slip of newspaper cutting in his dictionary that he did not know about, and it dropped out during the examination, lol. He quickly stepped on it to hide it from the invigilator, but Ephraim saw it first, lol. Secondly, Yoshida's electronic dictionary ran out of battery halfway. XD And I was complaining about having to use a book form of the dictionary. Come to think of it, it does have its advantage. XD Of course, Ephraim was ridiculing both of them after the exam, lol.

Papers were so-so lah, but still, I don't have any confidence in it, lol. Can get A I happy liao lah, but still not good to keep my hopes up. Later never meet target will kena disappointed nia. XD Hope can faster get results back, lol.

Ok, short blog post. Don't have much to blog about anyway. So long.

And oh, please kindly ignore the no-life guy bothering to spam people's tagboards from the school's computers. Think he 1337 h4xx0r, "|\/|\/\/@|-|@|-|@|-|@|-|@, £¡€|< ¡|\/|@ §0 ƒµ|<¡|\| £€€7 |\/|@|\|, |-|@><><0|2¡|\|9 ƒ|20|\/| 7|-|€ §ç|-| ç0|\/|p §¥§7€|\/|, |\|0 0|\|€ ç@|\| 7|2@ç|< |-|µ ¡ |\/| 0|2 \/\/|-|€|2€ ¡ çµ|\/| ƒ|20|\/|, |\/|\/\/@|-|@|-|@|-|@|-|@." Disgusting bugger.

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