Saturday, May 17, 2008

TPJCG Orientation

Went for the Temasek Polytechnic Japanese Cultural Group Orientation today.

To be honest, I'm so glad to not be the first one among my group of friends to make it there into such a strange and unfamiliar environment, haha. Aaron was the first, reaching school an hour before the event freaking started. Wow. And I thought that I, reaching there half an hour early was already considered very early, lol. Aaron and I then proceeded to spend the next half an hour or so sitting down there and wondering what the hell are we doing down there, and why did we even come, lol... I'm seriously glad I have Aaron's accompany, haha. XD

Kenny and Yuhaimi joined us a while later, and the four of us went down for registration. Since the other three registered late, they ended up not being assigned a group, and so all three of them jumped onto the bandwagon and joined the group I was assigned to, lol, so the four of us sticked together, hahaha. XD

Went for icebreaking games. There was this game where half of the people sit in a circle, and the other half find one person and stand behind them. We have one guy in the center of the circle, and he goes around whacking people with a rolled-up newspaper. One person in the outer circle starts by calling the name of someone in the inner circle, who will be designated as the target for the idiot in the center to whack. The guy standing behind the target has to designate another target for the idiot by calling the name of another person in the inner circle. This goes on until the idiot in the center has successfully get someone to whack, whereby the guy who gets whacked becomes the next idiot, the guy standing behind the one who gets whacked sit down, and the former idiot stands behind him.

Yuhaimi was the perfect shield, man, god dammit. From start to end, no one even remembered his name, forget about even calling it, so I just stood there from start to end watching idiots whack each other. Rofl.

Then we played this game called "Blow Wind Blow". Everyone sit in a circle, and we have yet again an idiot in the center. The idiot calls out a description (for example, wearing watches or green shirts), and everyone who fits in that description has got to get the fuck out of his or her seat and exchange place with someone who fits that description too. The idiot tries his or her best to get into someone's empty place as well, thus leaving yet another guy without a place, stuck in the middle and being the idiot. XD

Kenny and Aaron was exchanging places with each other for the majority of the game from what I can see... o.O I became the idiot in the center once, sigh... So I shouted, "Blow all those who watch or read Naruto", went to Aaron, saw that he was still sitting his butt down, literally kicked him out of his place and took it for myself. :D

And then there was once when some poor guy had to do a forfeit because he wasn't fast enough to grab a seat for himself. On the question, "What forfeit to do?", someone actually suggested Hare Hare Yukai, and I'm like, "Holy shit, please don't tell me anyone here is actually otaku enough to know how to do the dance?" The guy in the center obviously doesn't know how to do it (like, duh!), but then two people, a guy and a girl, hopped out and taught him how to do it! Goodness!! I never would have thought that I would be seeing people dance the Hare Hare Yukai with my own eyes!! Holy...! Words can't express how shocked I was back then, damn.

After icebreaking games, our group, consisting of me, Kenny, Aaron, Yuhaimi, some guy from Engineering with Harry Potter's spectacles (XP) and our GL (Group Leader), whom Yuhaimi kept telling me that he looks a lot like Larry (XD), went over to McDonald's for lunch, lol. After lunch, we watched some PowerPoint slides with information pertaining to the CCA, and then went off for more games.

There was a rather lame game where two teams of people form a line each, and they each send people to fight against each other... by playing scissors-paper-stone. I suggested we just do a Chidori (*cough* scissors *cough*), run all the way to the opponents and cut through all of them using paper. Yeah, right, like they would be so kind to all use paper against your scissors. XD

The game would actually be good if we don't have to queue up for so long just to play scissors-paper-stone... I know, Singaporeans all love to queue up for no good particular reason. Heck, they would even jump into any queue they see and start queuing, even though they have got no bloody idea on what the queue is all about. Find yourself a queue and ask a few people what they are queuing up for. Ninety percent of the time, they will tell you that they have no freaking idea. But hey, damn, queuing up just to play scissors-paper-stone?!?! Okay. This is ridiculous.

The next game we played was even lamer. Ah, heck. We were asked to form five lines, and at the beginning of the five lines, the people there are told a word, which he has to convey it to the other guy in the line with no words and actions only. The guy tells the next guy what he thinks it is, and the next guy has to convey it to the further next guy without speaking. This continues on until the end.

So we have one which was originally Ironman, but Kenny told me, "I think it is Superman...". So I was like, "Superman... So what the hell do I do? Take off Kenny's underwear and wear it outside my pants...?" -.- So I sort of punched the air at Yuhaimi, because, y'know, in most pictures you can see Superman punching the air as he flies around and smashing into buildings? Yuhaimi told the next guy, "Punch.", and the next guy acted punching the further next guy on his cheeks and smashing his face in. Oh gawd.

We were told to come up with a cheer next in different groupings, and for some reason, we got grouped up together with the two guys behind Yuhaimi in the line in the game we played just now, and a group of four girls. I find it disturbing that the six newcomers to our group are all wearing black. How emo. ;_; We couldn't come up with a cheer; just sat down there, staring at each other and watching each other stare at each other, lol. That's even more emo. ;____; In the end, someone just started singing, "Emo emo emo emo...", and it became our cheer, and we became Team Emo. o_________O

Next up was some games involving water bombs. Must complain, the weather was too hot. Must complain, there were too little water bombs. I only threw like two or so in the whole entire time. Must complain, the water in the water bombs were so warm. We were expecting cold water inside the water bombs to help us cool down, and what the hell, the water inside is hot as well. Probably got roasted by the hot sun. Kenny was sitting at one corner being emo. Nah, apparently he didn't bring an extra shirt, so he didn't want to play. Also, our team had an event of friendly fire for some reason. One of the girls threw a water bomb at another girl from our team. Now that's emo.

After the games, we went back, and next we went visiting different rooms put up by the different subcommittees. The first one we went to was Cuisine, where we made some onigiri. Damn, the rice sticked onto my hands, so I just ate directly there. =.= Yeah, I know I have a negative Cooking level in real life. Having Cooking level 99 in RuneScape so doesn't help.

The second one we went to was Anime and Manga. Aaron signed up, and I went behind him, haha, though Kenny ended up deciding to join Cuisine. Traitor. :O The last one we went to was Arts and Entertainment, where we folded a frog origami. I fail at folding mine. D: Went home after that, whoopie-do. Was so freakin' tired, lol.

Oh, and before we went back to the LT after visiting all three subcommitttees, since we had nothing better to do, us Team Emo went to find ourselves a corner and go all emo. Lmao.

We are so emo pl0x? :D

One Piece chapter 499 is not bad, haha. I like how cool Zoro is in this chapter, lol, dodging a bullet from a gun and instinctively drawing Sandai Kitetsu in a flash, ready to kill. XD

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