Thursday, September 06, 2007

Bahamut is overrated

To get the GF (Guardian Force) Bahamut in Final Fantasy VIII, the player has to go to Deep Sea Research Center, defeat two Ruby Dragons the Bahamut summons, then finally defeat Bahamut himself. And just look at the guide that I am using.

Essential Requirements
100x Blind spell to ST-Atk-J for at least one character
100x Sleep spell to ST-Atk-J for the other members
100x Death spells to all members
100x Aura - refine 1x Fury Fragment to 6x Aura spells. [Supt Mag-RF]
100x Ultima - to boost up Str stats.
Recover - Leviathan [200 AP]
Revive - Alexander [200 AP]
100x Meltdown -junctioned to Vit stats.
100x Firaga - to Elem-Def-J for every character
100x Blizzaga - to Elem-Atk-J for every character
GFs: all from Disc 1 and Disc 2, including Doomtrain

Essential requirements, yeah right. I didn't Junction any Blind or Sleep, I only have 50 Auras, 35 Ultimas, din't junction Firaga or Blizzaga, didn't have Alexander (forgot to draw it from Edea... T_T And when Squall kept asking Ellone to return him to the past so he can figure out how to save Rinoa, I was hoping Ellone can send Squall back to fighting Edea so I can draw it -.- I mean, c'mon. Ellone returns Squall to Laguna's past, Laguna obtains a Potion, and when Squall wakes up, he finds an extra Potion in his inventory! Why not with GFs too?). The others? Bah, don't even have them.

And yes, I am fucking lazy; didn't even bother to get those requirements.

So how? I went to Deep Sea Research Center to try my luck. Not using a guide then, as I have already kept my laptop and didn't wish to take it out again (it was during the night by the way). So I went there, and without realizing what would happen, I walked while the blue light is on and fought some monsters. And Odin comes out, Zantetsuken, done. I remembered from my last game that walking while the light is on will get you monsters to fight, so I walk only when the light is off, but I accidentally got into another fight, and so I was joking, "Hey, Odin, wanna come out and do another Zantetsuken?" And seriously, Odin just comes out and Zantetsuken. O.O Man, the heck is the probability of that, lol?

As I said, didn't really make any preparations. I Junction magic to my characters using the Auto function, and so I realized while fighting the first Ruby Dragon, I Junctioned Firaga to Zell's EL-Atk-J, and Aero to Squall's EL-Atk-J. -.- If you didn't know what it means, then I'll explain, Squall's physical attacks have a wind element in them, and Zell's have fire element. And unluckily, Ruby Dragons absorb both fire and wind. -.- In other words, both Squall and Zell's attacks would heal the Ruby Dragon instead of damaging it. -.-

So my choices are limited. Squall and Zell have bad magic stats, and when I learnt by Scanning the Ruby Dragon that it was weak to ice and holy, I had both of them cast Blizzaga. Each magic spell hit about 300 damage. Oh joy. -.- Rinoa got KOed, and since I'm fighting for fun, wanting to test how strong the enemies are (since I'm not following a guide. Yeah, I don't really wanna play seriously without a guide, 'cause I know I'll most likely screw up XD), I didn't really bother to cast Life on her.

Then I realized that both Zell and Squall can do Limit Breaks after about ten times of pressing Circle, despite their HPs not in yellow or red. And since Limit Breaks don't take in EL-Atk-J in consideration, might as well spam Limit Breaks, since that is almost the only option left to me. So I spammed Zell's Armageddon Fist (a fancy name for spamming Punch Rush, Booya, Punch Rush and Booya repeatively), and Squall's Renzokuken. After four or five times, the first Ruby Dragon falls, surprisingly, and next came the second.

The second one was surprisingly easy compared to the first. Used Zell's Duel, and there were eleven seconds on the timer, so I used Armageddon Fist. Squall's turn, and I used Renzokuken. Surprisingly, he unleashed a Lion Heart, lol. First time I ever use Lion Heart before. :P Wonder who made me think that each strike of Lion Heart deals 9999 damage... My Squall's Lion Heart only did about 2500 to 3000 damage with each strike, but oh well, that's more than enough, as 17 of those hits, combined with Zell's 11 seconds Armageddon Fist, brought a swift end to the second Ruby Dragon.

Bahamut? Bah! He's weak! A Zell's four seconds Armageddon Fist, a Squall's Renzokuken without any finishing move, and he goes down like that. -.- The guide tends to exaggerate things, man. Reminds me of Final Fantasy XII, where I defeated Judge Ghis using Vaan's Red Spiral Quickening and Basch's Fulminating Darkness Quickening. -_-

Damn, just watched One Piece episode 322, where Franky joins the crew. Robin grabbing Franky's testacles and squeezing them seem ten times more painful in the anime than in the manga. X( Ouch, poor Franky...

Bleach episode 139, bleh. Ichigo and Grimmjow's second fight got extended for anime fillers (as are most fights in animes nowadays -.-), they clashed swords a few times. Can't Ichigo only hold his Hollowification for eleven seconds? He fought for more than thirty seconds in the anime. -.-

And it's kinda boring after you have read the manga, lol. Luppi's zanpakutou release was surrounded by smoke for suspense, showing only the tendril that he uses to attack Hitsugaya initially. And I already knew what Luppi's release looks like, so instead of suspense, it became boredom instead. -.- I was like, "Hurry up, damn it. I know what your zanpakutou release looks like. -.-" Same thing when Matsumoto almost got stung by Luppi, I wasn't worried at all (as they want to viewers to be. Why else does the attack go so slow?), but instead I was like, "Yeah, yeah, Urahara's coming to save her later anyway...", and sure he did. Rofl.

And yeah, Ulquiorra said he was disappointed that there were only two guards with Orihime. Yeah, like what the hell is he expecting, eight captains? Yeah, freaking imagine Yamamoto and Soifon and Unohaha and Byakuya and Komamura and Kyouraku and Zaraki and Ukitake all going with Orihime, and when Ulquiorra comes, all of them draw their Zanpakutous and (expect for Zaraki of course ^_^") shouts, "BANKAI!" I don't think Orihime is worth EIGHT captains accompanying her, even though if it is already known that Ulquiorra is after her. -.-

And yeah, Vernon finally bought a PS2 memory card. Lol, buying a PS2 without buying a PS2 memory card. So now he's got one, he can finally advance on the FFX-2 I lent him, lol. Kinda funny how he asked me whether buying a 2GB memory card for $50 is cheap or not. I was like, "There are PS2 memory cards for 2GB?" Lol, I bought a 8MB PS2 memory card like five years ago for $50, and I already thought that 8MB is more than enough, yet he wants to buy a 2GB one, lol. Later, turns out that the 2GB memory card was for the PSP, the shopkeeper guy heard wrong. Rofl. XD Oh well, he still bought the memory card after all. Let's be happy for him. ^_^

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