Monday, September 10, 2007

And we get our Preliminary Results back!

Man, today is the first day we are supposed to assemble at the carpark, yet no one is sitting down there, lol. Freaking hell, after one week of not having to go to school, I came back, and freaking hell, did I enter the wrong school? This doesn't even look like my school! Okay, I'm exaggerating, but still, they went and barricaded half of the school up, including the canteen, quadrangle, hall and D&T block, so it looks freaking weird.

"From the hall to the canteen to the quadrangle, an iron curtain has descended across the school."

-__- Yeah, just found that I deem it suitable to call it the "Iron Curtain", lmao.

I went deeper into the school, looking for my classmates, and there they are, sitting together on a bench outside the book shop. I sat together with Ephraim, Vernon and Yoshida in a row and started chatting about stuff, including Final Fantasy, lol. Yoshida's got himself a weird and funny haircut. XD

After a while of sitting there, some teachers came and rushed us to get to the carpark. Man, I feel odd standing outside the school singing the National Anthem, lol. Felt more weird sitting down at the carpark. It is my first time in my four years of education there sitting down at the carpark if I'm not wrong...

First period was Geography, and yet the Geography teacher was late for twenty-five minutes, so we were just lazing around the classroom, feeling bored and wasting time in general. Yoshida and I went to the toilet, bored of waiting, and Yoshida found out one thing, the tap water is dirty! Ewww! Well, you can't see much at first, but put the water in your hands, and you can see that it is chalky! Ewww! Dirty tap water... I pointed it out to Larry, and his initial reply, "Calcium carbonate." XD Feeling bored, his hands wet, he made an imprint of his hand on the back door of the classroom and wrote "DEATH" underneath it. Feeling bored, I took a photo of it. XD It's amazing what boredom does to the mind.

After twenty-five minutes, when we were almost bored to death, the teacher finally came, and she dared to lecture us on wasting twenty-five minutes when we can be studying or revising. Hey, what the heck, isn't she the one wasting our time, by being late for twenty-five minutes? Hmph.

I was expecting to get back my Geography papers, but yeah, one of the Geography teachers decided to be a heroine and mark the whole entire level's papers. Yeah, in other words, she wants to mark the papers of every Secondary 4 student, alone. "Standardization", my ass, I just hope she doesn't faint or die due to fatigue, man, dumping all of us paper for her alone to mark. -_- So instead, we get a bubbish worksheet on rivers to do. Zzzzzz. I didn't even bother to do it, lmao, because firstly, I've chosen never to do rivers in my Geography Paper 2 (together with coasts and plate tectonics, because those three chapters are chapters that no matter how many times I read, I will never fucking understand them, so why bother? -_-), and secondly, I didn't bring my Geography sec 3 textbook, which contained the chapter on rivers. So how? Simple, slack around. A waste of an hour which I could use to get more sleep. -.-

Second period was VL, but the teacher was talking to us about how we need to get a class video and a performance for Graduation Day. Vernon wants someone to go up and do the Real Emotion dance in the beginning of Final Fantasy X-2 for the performance, lol, but I want a Hare Hare Yukai dance!! :D :D

And Yoshida suggests we taupok Ephraim for the class video, lmao. I'm with the idea a hundred percent. We pin Ephraim onto the floor first (because shorty is bound to object against the idea), then we have Alvin BODY SLAM! onto Ephraim, and the rest of us jump on. Whoohooo.

Definition of taupok:
"Ah, taupok. Everyone’s favourite bean curd. It is also the term used to describe the ragging that takes place during junior college orientation, where someone shouts “taupok!” and as many guys as possible will try to pile themselves on top of the target, or the taupokee. In Western countries, this is called a pile-on."
From :)

And the teacher shows us the class videos of graduating classes last year to serve as examplies. Wish the class committee and whoever is responsible to do the class video good luck, man. They'll need it. I just hope they don't do a sloppy work.

And it was recess after that. Holy shit, the pathway from the classroom block to the canteen is loooooooong! And I remember hearing at least two times in which my schoolmates call the canteen a "prison", because the ONLY way out [really ONLY way. Half of the perimeter is blocked by the fence that leads outside if you can climb (yeah, climb past the barbed wire. Good luck and have fun), and the other half blocked by the Iron Curtain -_-] is through the loooooooong path back to the classroom block, where a bangla awaits and shouts whenever someone approaches the classroom block. -_-

One thing I thought of today. They don't want upper secondary students to go back to the classroom block during their recess when the lower secondary students are having lessons because they don't want the upper secondary students to return to their classes and make a huge din, especially when not supervised, disrupting the lessons of the lower secondary students, right? Also they don't want lower secondary students to go back to the classroom block during their recess when the upper secondary students are having lessons because they don't want the lower secondary students to return to their classes and make a huge din, especially when not supervised, disrupting the lessons of the upper secondary students, right? That's why they hire the bangla to stand outside the classroom block and keep upper secondary students out of the classroom block during the upper secondary's recess, and stand outside the classroom block and keep lower secondary students out of the classroom block during the lower secondary's recess, right? But yet, whenever the bangla sees any upper secondary students approaching the classroom block during the upper secondary's recess, and sees any lower secondary students approaching the classroom block during the lower secondary's recess, he tries to get them out by shouting at them so freaking loud the entire Singapore can hear, right? And his shouting would disrupt the lessons of the lower secondary students during the upper secondary's recess, and the lessons of the upper secondary students during the lower secondary's recess, right? Then would that NOT defeat the purpose?!?

I hope I made sense, and that I did not confuse you. :)

Well, I'll get to why I talked about the bangla later. We took the loooooooong path to the canteen. We were remarking how loooooooong it is, and narrow too, lol, so it is difficult to get past it fast when there are tens and hundreds of students walking the same narrow path as you, and when there are two groups of students travelling different directions, bam, there you have it, a freaking traffic jam. -__- It's like two goats crossing a bridge from different directions. They meet at the center, they want to go to the other side, they only want to go forward and not backward, and the bridge is wide enough only for one goat. -.-

We went to the canteen and looked around. Yoshida thought that having the canteen and hall together makes it seem like he is studying at a village school, lol, but I was already used to such a setting, because during Primary 4, six years ago, my school then, Yumin Primary, was going through construction and renovation work too, and we had a temporary canteen and hall not unlike ours now, so I didn't find it particularly weird, lol. We went to the stalls, and I bought a cup of red juice (I thought it was watermelon, but didn't taste like it), while Yoshida looked around, found the food to look disgusting (don't ask me, I didn't bother looking at the food), and just bought one can of Milo. We went to the back of the canteen, and saw Ephraim, exploring around. There were toilets behind the canteen, lol, but the male one is locked, while the female one is unlocked. Neither Yoshida nor Ephraim said that they mind.

We then went to do more exploring, and behind the temporary D&T classrooms were unused classrooms, with three aircons, lol. The three of us thought that they would be the perfect place to have a fight with no one finding out much, since it was pretty isolated, and Ephraim and I were just about to enter through the windows when Yoshida figured out that although the door is closed, it is not locked, lmao. We went in, take a look, and Yoshida closed the door, freaking Ephraim out, who thought that he was going to lock it, lol. Silly Ephraim, you can only lock the door from inside, not outside, and even so, you are always small enough to climb out through the windows. -.-

Having not seen Vernon for the entire recess so far, we decided to go to the library, where he is, to look for him. We went through the loooooooooong path to get back to the classroom block (the only exit available -.-), and just when we were about to cross the classroom block to get to the library, the bangla comes and shouts, shouts, shouts. I pity the students having lessons now. -.- Having no other choices, the three of us went back through the loooooooooooong path to look for a way to get to the library without going through the classroom block and triggering the bangla's shouting. I found a hole in the Iron Curtain, by climbing up the volleyball court and jumping in through the roof of the CD Shelter, lol, but we didn't bother, since firstly, it was raining then, and secondly, even if we did make it into the Iron Curtain, we can't get out of it other than from which we entered, which effectively brings us back to square one with no progress. -.- Bored, we went back to the classroom block through the looooooooooong path, and when we went to the classroom block, we saw a group of students at the end of the path, some eating, all of them blocked by the bangla, who refuses anyone to get past him. Nothing to do, we went through the loooooooooong path again back to the canteen, and when we reached there, again, we have nothing to do, so we went through the loooooooooong path again back to the classroom block. Rofl, going through the looooooooooong path six times in half an hour. We were really bored.

Finally, the bangla was no longer obstructing the way, and we went to the library... just to find Vernon no longer there. -_- We hung around for a very short while, and when we heard the bell, left for class, seeing Vernon sitting down there at his seat. Lmao.

Next period was Chinese, but for some reason, the teacher wasn't there, so a relief teacher came instead. She gave us our Chinese Paper 2 and went off to play her laptop for one hour, giving us absolutely nothing to do. How boring, lol. Sigh, I scored only 31 out of 70 for Chinese Paper 2. But at least I was sort of comforted when I saw Yoshida's 28 and Ephraim's 29, lol, since both of them were always scoring higher than me in Chinese (Yoshida wants to beat Ephraim up for owning him by one mark, lmao). But when I saw Vernon's 38. Sigh. -__- He's the only one who passed, lol, so we joked about the three of us beating him up. :P

Next period was English, and the English teacher came with our English Paper 2 and gave them out, then went through it. I hate the second passage, man. Out of the 12 marks for the comprehension questions set for passage 2, I only scored two and a half. -___- Yoshida was worse, one and a half. Both of us wanted to kill the author, lmao. I can't believe how badly I've done for my summary too. 12 out of 25, sigh. I usually can do much better. :\ Sigh, I only got 22.5 out of 50 for English Paper 2 (T_T), and Yoshida got 23.5, owning me by one mark (T_T). And Vernon and Ephraim? Both of them got the same score: 28. T________T

Next period was Assembly, which is our first assembly in the temporary hall, and also our last assembly, because next week, we would be following a PPP (Post-Preliminary Programme, which sounds lame) timetable, which includes no assembly! :D Due to it being our first assembly there, we took a freaking long time to settle down, lol. Spent 25 minutes just to get everyone seated. -_- The teachers are troublesome. Why not just have the students sit wherever they want, like on the bus? -.- And yeah, the freaking floor... It dirties our pants, lol. They became all whitey-whitey when we sat down. -_-

Nothing much for assembly. The principal gave another boring speech, and some prizes were given out to people who went for Maths Olympiad. And that's it. How lame. -.- While exiting, some guy from 4R1 whom I don't know his name came up to me and asked if I was from Chongzheng Primary, and I replied no instinctively and immediately. He went back to his classmate, the other 4R1 guy, whom I met at Chongzheng Primary during "Teacher's Day" (not really officially Teacher's Day, but bleh), and told him my answer. Oops. :P I bet he is thinking, "Then why the fuck is that bugger doing in my school??" XD

We went back to class to take our bags, then went to Physics lab. Along the way, past the counselor's room, they had a notice board outside, in which displayed a huge poster, with huge captions saying, "Bullying Hurts... Seriously." Yoshida was reading the words out aloud, and I read the words below that said, "Stop Bullying", and I purposely turned back to Ephraim and bullied him by pushing him. Yoshida and I are always bullying Ephraim, lol, especially when we walk past the counselor's room. XD

Went to Physics lab, where everyone is waiting outside the lab, waiting for the teacher to come. Bleh, as if we would wait outside. The four of us just went into the lab, turned on the lights and fans, went to our seats and sat down, lmao. Yay, Vernon sent me the song Eyes on Me! :D Yoshida inspected the tap water. Phew, it wasn't dirty like the one in the toilets of the classroom block. Yoshida and I used the tap water to clean off the whitey-whitey area on our pants due to the temporary hall, lol.

After about twenty minutes, the teacher came, said something to which I have no idea (because I can't be bothered to pay attention, duh), and a lot of people started standing up and exiting. Turns out we went to the wrong lab. XD (Don't blame the four of us, blame the others for flocking in once they see us entering the lab ) Went to the correct lab, just next door (-_-), and we got our Physics Paper 1 back. Sigh, I only got 26 out of 40. This can't be, man... Vernon got 27. -_- I whacked him on the head with my Physics paper. And furthermore, Yoshida got 31 and Ephraim got 32 (Yoshida did the same as I did to Ephraim XD). -_____- Sigh, it's depressing to have the worst result among your friends, man, especially since you used to be the best among your friends in the same subject. -_______-

After about twenty-five minutes, after the teacher is done with going through Paper 1 (I sighed the more the teacher went through. Can't believe I can screw up that much, man -_-), he gave out Physics Paper 2. I got 55 out of 80, while Vernon got 50 and Yoshida got 47. Yay, I'm no longer last! :D Thanks to Particle E, who got 58, I couldn't be best. -____- *steps on Particle E * The teacher spent a long forty-five minutes going through the paper, overshooting his period by half an hour. Vernon and Yoshida both spotted mistakes on their papers, and wasted ten more minutes just getting one little mark. They win already lor. -_______-

Yoshida, Vernon and I left first. Vernon was going to my house after school so that I could help him beat Shinra in Sphere Break and get the Lady Luck Dressphere, in Final Fantasy X-2, so we went to have lunch together, saying bye to Yoshida at the traffic light outside our school. We went to KFC at Tampines Mart as usual, lol.

After lunch, we went to my home, and I helped Vernon beat Shinra. Vernon lost to Shinra twice, and since I didn't play Sphere Break (or Final Fantasy X-2 for that matter) for a long time, my confidence wasn't high, lol, but I did remember defeating Shinra last time I played (about two or three years ago -.-). Yet the game seems so easy after I got back the hang of it. Took me just one try to own Shinra. Vernon seems impressed, lmao.

After that, we went to Thunder Plains and tried to calibrate towers, but both of us failed once each at calibrating the fifth tower, so Vernon got bored and went to Macalania Temple next, fighting off the fiends that invaded O'aka's shop and getting the Berserker Dressphere. We then went to the Calm Lands next to rescue the fifteen people trapped inside Cavern of the Stolen Faith, but we only rescued seven or eight when his mother called for him to go to badminton classes or somethin' like that, lol, so he left.

Since today is the last day of the Hungry Ghost Festival, my family and I went down to burn offerings and hell money. I'm such a pyromaniac who loves nothing more than to stare at beautiful flames, lol, so I went and took some pictures, even if it means I'm being disrespectful.

That's all for today! :)

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