Friday, September 21, 2007

Got back my report book - and - Graduation Day

I got back my report book today. As usual, I will list out my results, do a graph comparing them with results from last time to see where I improve and where I worsen, and then write down my comments regarding each subject. The results from last time in which I will use to compare will come from my midyear results, my CA results back at March this year, and lastly, my results at the end of last year.

First, a list of my marks and grades for each subject.

Total: 525/800
Percentage: 65.6
Class Position: 24/42
Promotion Status: Completed S4 EXPRESS
L1R4 Aggregate: 13
L1R5 Aggregate: 16
Conduct: VERY GOOD
Attendance: 190/190
Comments: He is diligent and makes great effort in his work. Set higher goals and work towards achieving it in the coming O level exams.

And here is the comparison graph.

  • Ah, my English went back to square one...
  • Cool, my Chinese is steadily rising...
  • I'm proud of my A. Maths, though I somehow wonder how is it possible for me to screw up A Maths so badly during last year and midyear?
  • Haha, my E. Maths dropped a bit, but no worries, I'm still in the A1 range, haha. Proud of it too. :)
  • Screw Chemistry. When I show my report book to my father, he didn't notice the 87. He didn't notice the 81. All the heck he noticed is the freaking 40. -_- Yeah, I get 40 for Chemistry. I failed Chemistry. I get an E8. What's freaking wrong? I didn't freaking study for it, what do you expect? -.- I'd like to signify it as a sort of silent protest, though. I'm hoping the teachers get the message, that my Chemistry teacher sucks. -_- Oh well, for the effort to be at maximum, I should have scored a single-digit score... What the heck is wrong with me, how the heck did I manage to score 40? I should have score 4... Or 13. Both are unlucky numbers, but hey, since I got 13 for L1R4, why not?
  • Just how the heck did I used to be able to score 80+ for Physics? Damn it, I really need to put more effort into Physics. Just having only two A1s suck, when I can have three... Come, Physics, join the A1 side... We have cookies! :D
  • Humanities, meh, always bobbling up and down along the same line. Nothing interestin', let's move on...
  • Geography, like English, I'm back to square one, haha. No choice, I still have to work hard for Geography, even though the lessons might plain suck. -_-
And there's Graduation Day later on, starting at 2.15pm. I'll blog about here after I return. Dum-de-dum...

Okay, I'm back. Let's start blogging about it.

Due to unforeseen circumstances [*cough* my mother was nagging too much. My father wanted to smoke after we had breakfast outside this morning, but his lighter ran out of the liquid fuel inside (felt weird to call it "oil" o.O), so he went to buy new lighters. He found a shop selling five of them in bulk for $1.20, that's quite cheap, lol, so he bought it, took one out and started smoking. I took one of them and decided to burn ants with it (well, I have pyromania to begin with, so wouldn't it be better if I kill them by incinerating them? Besides, I'm bored of just crushing them to death with my thumb, I need a better way to kill them), and well, just after I burnt two of them, my mother started nagging. Phew, long explanation *cough*], I was forced to leave my house for school extremely early, at 1.40pm, even though the thing only starts at 2.15pm.

So, finding myself equipped with an abundance of time to kill, I took my own sweet time to get to the school, walking very slowly, enjoying the scenery and the finer details of life. XD I got to school at 1.55pm, and when I reached the classroom block, I was at the crossroad of either directly proceeding to the canteen, where we are supposed to assemble, or head up to the classroom first, to see if there are anyone there I can hang out with to kill time before the event starts. I chose the former.

So, I went through the loooooooong path to get to the canteen and saw people decorating the place up and arranging rows of benches for us to sit on. Nmaa, not really my business. I went to find a bench to sit down and hang around until it starts, then went to SMS Vernon, asking him where he is. Turns out he is hanging around at the classroom. Blast it, I took the wrong way at the fork.

So I went back through the looooooooong path, meeting up with Yuhaimi along the way. I told him that there were no one (in our class, anyway) in the canteen, that I am meeting up with Vernon in the classroom, and asks him if he wants to come along. He agreed, reversed, and we went to the classroom block together. I asked him, conversationally, if he brought his class jersey. He didn't, lol. Turns out he didn't. Wow, I'm amazed. Someone announced it during class yesterday (the reason why I didn't know who because I wasn't paying attention and thus didn't know about it until Vernon told me, lol, though he didn't specify who), it was written on the board (though I didn't notice it too, because I can't read it without my spectacles), and Fym SMSed it around, informing people and telling them to in turn pass the message on to others [for that particular reason, Vernon received the exact same message four times, from Fym, from Sze Ling, from shorty (I'm not sure if he's referring to Ephraim or Jovian, but my money's on Particle E Yeah, he didn't specify which shorty, he just told me "shorty"), and from me. o.O]. Thus, I'm pretty amazed at Yuhaimi for managing to stay uninformed about having to bring class jersey, though since he didn't have a handphone, I won't blame him for missing the third one.

We went back to class, and wow, I was pretty amazed, almost half of the class was in there, lol, watching YouTube videos on the teacher's laptop and stuff. They even got the aircons turned on! I was expecting only Vernon to be in there, haha. Bub was reading a comic book, and due to boredom, I asked to borrow one as well, haha. Yoshida came later, and at 2.25pm, the three of us, together with Larry, went through the loooooooong path (myself for the third time today) to get to the canteen.

Took us a while to get seated, lol. Why do we have to be seated in register number? It doesn't make sense... Oh well. While waiting for the event to start, Vernon was reading a comic book to kill time, and I borrowed one from him to kill time as well, haha.

So, the event starts at last, and one of the first things was to freaking sing the school song. I sighed audibly. Larry (who was sitting beside me due to index number order) was singing loudly with pride, lol, and so were a lot of other people (although their tones suggest that they are singing for fun o.O), and thinking myself crazy and insane, not knowing what took over me, I joined in the singing as well...

Then, a speech by the principal. Vernon sighs loudly, I slap myself on the face. Luckily for Vernon's comic book, if not I didn't know how to survive the boredom. Next, a speech by the Guest of Honour. No idea who he is. Was reading the comic book as well. Then some PowerPoint Presentation... I've seen it before, no idea where though, so I was reading the comic book as well.

Then it was the presentation of graduation certificates. I'm pretty amazed at Larry, he freaking clapped at everyone going up. I only bothered to clap at my classmates, lol. All they gave us was some cheap red cylinder hollow tube with nothing inside. That's supposed to be our graduation certificates?!? o.O Well, we are supposed to receive them only next Monday, and the tubes are for us to put the certificates in. Right... I realized I can imagine myself drawing a sword with the tube, lol, and Vernon thought so as well, so we spent some time playing around the tube by grabbing the cover and pulling it out forcefully as if drawing a sword, so we hear a loud 'pop' (didn't know why there is a loud 'pop', neither was I interested enough to find out and/or theorize why), rofl. It was fun. :P Guess I'll take a picture of it as well.

A picture of it from each different angle. Uh-hem.

Then it was back to comic reading time. A lot of presentation and speeches, by the look of the programme. Blimey, I didn't realize I was missing out on so much stuff. ...Not like I actually bothered nor care.

Next was the start of the concert, in which may I ask why did our class has to go first? -.- So we had to change into our class jerseys. Great, the small toilet was almost fully occupied by us, lol. After changing, I was lazy to hold my uniform in my hand, so I instead treated it like the haori the Captains of the Gotei 13 in Bleach wear, but instead I decided to drape it over my back instead of actually wearing it, like Yamamoto, lol. Maybe I'll look cooler doing so. XD

Okay, our class performance was much better than I expected, judging from the rehearsals... We didn't screw up, okay, that's great. XD I like 4R3's one, haha.

After that was dinner. I wanted to stay to eat, but one glance at the food, they look like my mother's cooking, and I immediately had no appetite. Yoshida was rushing to go home too, so I might as well accompany him...

So yup, that's it. Generally quite boring. I have totally no idea, from reading Fym and Sze Ling's MSN nicks, why today is a blast, neither do I know why today is an unforgettable day. I bet I can forget about it tomorrow. :\

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