Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Night Study

Mae, Sode no Shirayuki!
Some no Mai, Tsukishiro!
Tsugi no Mai, Hakuren!
San no Mai, Shirafune!

First period was Physics. Today is the first day of a period when our Physics teacher would not be here due to re-training for NS, so a relief teacher came instead. He gave us practice paper 2 to do, and goes through with us one by one, until (I believe) he got bored and instead showed us a video about scientists trying to create an element by throwing protons and neutrons into a nucleus together. ...What's the atomic number of the element they want to create...? 114? 117? 118? 119? Argh, I can't freaking remember it. Anyone from 4R2 who read this, can tag on my tagboard telling me what number it is please?

Oh well, whatever the freaking number is, I would like to wish the scientists GOOD LUCK.

...They'll need it.

Next period was English, where the teacher gave us comprehension passages and questions and went through with us one by one teaching us how to answer comprehension questions, lol. Yup, I think I need those lessons. XD

Last period was E. Maths, where we are supposed to have a mock exam. Some more the teacher gives us eleven questions and ask us only to do eight. Zzzzzz... That's like putting sweets directly in front of a three-year-old kid at a place where he or she can reach and instruct, "Don't eat the sweets." *rolls eyes* We were given two hours to do those eight questions, and after one hour, I completed nine questions. -__- So I looked up at the board, where it said "Q1 - Q8" and went, "Oh, s-shit. ...Who cares?" And went on merrily doing question ten. XD

I was stopped by the teacher while halfway through question ten, lol, got caught for doing more questions than intended. :P Since we are supposed to do the three other questions a next time (or so I believe), I'm forced to stop, but ... one must finish what he or she started.

I went on to finish question ten. ^_^

Then I went and started reading the Physics textbook out of extreme boredom, lol. And I was bothering Yoshida so much (kept asking him questions about Physics in which I don't really understand) that the teacher came and told me that I can just pass up my paper and go if I don't want to check any more. ^_^" But no choice, I still gotta stay anyway, since firstly, I'm waiting for Vernon, and secondly, I can only get out of school at 12pm. ^_^"

At 11.30pm, everyone is required to pass up, regardless of whether they finished it or not (I am unable to comprehend nor understand why anyone could not finish doing the eight questions in two hours though. Fifteen minutes a question... It's insulting the level of our intelligence.). But that's still half an hour more before we can be dismissed, so we hung around the classroom, lol.

Yoshida, Vernon and I went up to the whiteboard, took markers and started doodling. XD I erased the "8" from "Q1 - Q8" and replaced it with another "8", but this one rotated 90°, so it became "Q1 - Q∞". XD Holy shit, that's ∞ questions we have to do in two hours, lmao!

2 hours = 120 minutes
120 minutes ÷ 8 questions = 15 minutes/question

You have 15 minutes on average to do each question.

But if you have ∞ questions?

120 minutes ÷ ∞ questions = 0 minutes/question

To finish the paper of ∞ questions, you have only 0 minutes to finish each question.

......Excuse me? 0 minutes? WHAT THE HELL!? XD

A paper of ∞ questions is impossible to be finished with a time limit. Heck, you can't even finish it even without a time limit. XD Wait, maybe you can, but your life expectancy becomes a time limit for you, so nevertheless, you WILL still have a time limit.

Admit it. Life is unfair. XD

Then to kill time, Yoshida, Vernon and I played two games of Big Two, until 11:55am, lol. Allow me to say, I won both games. XD Must be luck, lol.

Since Vernon and I are intending to attend the night study lesson tonight, Vernon decided to come to my house and play FFX-2 first before going to school, lol. We went to Tampines Mart and ate lunch at KFC, then we went to my house and play, yeah. The storyline bosses in FFX-2 (I'm adding "storyline" because the bosses in Via Infinito are the exact opposite ) seem to have too little HP. Vernon went and KOed Ifrit in like seven hits, before Ifrit even attacked or did anything. At least Ixion survived long enough to use Aerospark, but after gaining one hit, it dies anyway.

It's ridiculous that boss battles are this short.

At 4.55pm, we left and went to the food court in Tampines Mart for dinner. I was feeling quite full, so I merely drank a can of pepsi, while Vernon ate a plate of chicken rice.

While we were eating, there is a girl in front of me eating too, and Vernon (whose back is facing the girl) found her quite good-looking, lol, so we changed places just for him to look at the girl. XD (I don't find the girl really that good. Well, above average, yeah, but just not good enough for me to keep staring without getting bored XD)

Damn, man, the cans of pepsi being sold at the food court is EXPENSIVE. $1.20 for a 330ml can...

Price of can
= $1.20 ÷ 330ml
= $1.20 ÷ 0.33l
= $3.64/l

The minimart at Block 201 sold a huge 2 litres bottle of coca-cola for only $2.30...

Price of bottle
= $2.30 ÷ 2l
= $1.15/l

Price differences
= $3.64/l - $1.15/l
= $2.49/l

Holy shit! Every litre of coca-cola is more expensive by $2.50 (rounded off)!! We've been ripped off!! We've been scammed!! Call the police!! Summon CASE (Consumers Association of Singapore)!!

After that, we went to school.

...Then we realized I forgot to buy an exercise book back at Tampines Mart for me to do maths questions on.

We went to the book shop, it was closed. Damn. Just my luck. As we decided to go back to Tampines Mart to buy an exercise book, we walked past the notice board, Vernon took one glance at the poster on the notice board and gasped loudly.

It was this poster:

I took a look at it, wondering what could cause Vernon to gasp. The skeleton? Nah, I don't think he'd be freaked out by a mere skeleton. The tree being cut? Meh, I don't even think he gives a damn about trees being cut.

Hang on a moment, that was my thoughts back then... This skeleton, it looks like something Yoshida would draw... And the words on the right... They look awfully familiar though. Looks a lt like my handwriting...

And I understood why Vernon gasped.

WASN'T THAT WHAT WE (Yoshida, Vernon, Ephraim and I) DREW FOR A CME (Civics & Moral Education) LESSON LAST YEAR?!

Holy shit, lol! I totally forgot about it!! XD Can't find it in any of my blog entries too. Must be really old history, eh? XD

Well, I have no idea why the poster is there, I don't know how it gets there, and I certainly have no idea as to why and how it suddenly pops out after so many months either. So don't ask.

Then we went all the way back to Tampines Mart just for me to get an exercise book. The bookshop that we went to sells manga too, so I spent quite some time looking at its "collection", lol. Nope, the latest volumes of the manga I read have not come out yet. Sigh... I found one manga named "Girls Bravo". The girl at the cover looks quite good, haha. But I was believing it to be a shoujo manga, so I was like, "Ah, forget it."

But eh, Wikipedia listed it as a shounen manga. Okay, that's good enough. I suppose I'll go and watch the anime when I have time. Seems quite interesting, haha.

And according to Wikipedia...

"Girls Bravo features a young male student named Yukinari Sasaki who was teased and bullied by girls to the point that he developed an allergic reaction, breaking out in hives whenever he comes into contact with a female. One day, when he comes back from school, he falls into his bathtub and is transported to "Seiren", a mysterious world with a mostly female population."

Please freaking feel free to laugh. And loud. At least I did. XD

We went back to school, and just when we went into the library...

...Then we realized that Vernon forgot to bring the A. Maths textbook I lent him while we are still in my house.

Lmao, we've been forgetting shit the whole day. XD So I called my father to ask him to bring the textbook, lol. We waited at a bench just in the school building closest to the gate, and expecting my father to come riding my bicycle, wow, he came driving his car, lol.

We went to the library. I started doing Factors of Polynomials questions on my Ten-Years-Series, while he was reading the A. Maths textbook. He got bored soon and he took out his handphone and earphones to listen to music. I was bored too, so I asked him to share his earphones, lol. So we were listening to music on his handphone, mostly of Gundam songs. XD

Then the teachers come and started collecting our EZ-Link cards for some reason. Vernon even bothered to ask why, but very obviously, the teacher won't answer. *rolls eyes* Then the teacher saw us earphones and compared that to some Nokia advertisement (which neither of us have watched it before) about a boy and a girl sharing earphones and listening to music. -_-

The two of us sharing a table seems quite lonely, lol, luckily... *checks his name in the yearbook :P* Zi Kai from 4R5, yeah, he came to join us, lol. He's Vernon's friend, just that I don't know how they meet. o.O (they were never in the same class ever throughout secondary school, and neither were they in the same CCAs) Yay, the more the merrier, lol. Just that, as I told him as he sat down, we didn't have a third earphone for him to listen to music too. XD (earphones come in pair, you only have two ears o.O)

I finished doing the questions listed in the chapter Factors of Polynomials, so I asked Zi Kai to choose another chapter for me. He chose Relative Velocity, and the first question was about some guy trying to swim across a river forty metres wide. The river is flowing at the speed of one metre per second, while he is able to swim in still water at a speed of sixty centimetres per second, to which at this point I find the question ridiculous.


Who the hell swims across a river nowadays anyway? Just freaking use a bridge! I then imagine a scenario. Imagine yourself walking down Clarke Quay when you see some guy jumping down into Singapore River trying to swim across. I told them that if you ever ever have the fortune to see a guy pull that stunt, feel free to take anything (a metal can lying around, a branch, a stick or a twig that you break off a tree, heck, even your old left slipper) and throw it at the guy. -.-

I got sort of bored of listening to songs I've never heard before, lol, so I asked Vernon if we can use my handphone instead of his for music. He agreed, so we switched handphones, and I let him choose which music he wants to listen. He chose to listen to Alones (sixth opening of Bleach), lol. After Alones, I felt like listening to Hare Hare Yukai (ending of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya), so asked if I can listen to a song before going back to the playlist and listening to Eyes On Me (which is after Alones). He agreed, asking, "Is it Hare Hare Yukai?" How did he know, lol? I'm amazed. O.O

Yeah, bub, if you're reading this, tell me, how did you know? o.O

At 9pm, we left the library. Vernon wanted to take the bus together with Zi Kai (they probably live near each other or something), but Zi Kai's parents are fetching him with a car, lol, so Vernon asked if his parents can fetch him home as well, then I went on and asked if they can fetch me home too. XD So in the end Vernon decided to take the bus home himself, and I decided to walk home myself, lmao.

Vernon and I said bye after crossing the road, and I walked home. Halfway...

...Then I realized we didn't take our EZ-Link cards back yet.

Okay, we were fucking forgetful today, rofl. I SMSed Vernon, but then I took quite some time to type the word "ez", since it wasn't in the handphone's dictionary, so I was like, "Argh, fuck it! I'll call! SMSing is such a slow way of communication!!" Then, my velocity became 0 metres per second for that time. (In other words, I'm reversing or changing direction. XD To do that, velocity has to become 0m/s before you can do that :P) I told him to meet in front of the school gate, planning to go get our cards together.

After waiting for a while at the front gate, I saw... *checks name in yearbook :P* Kuan Hon, carrying two EZ-Link cards and asking if I know where Vernon is, telling me he took Vernon's for him. I told him that Vernon is coming to where we are as I speak, then I looked at the two EZ-Link cards that he is holding, thinking that one of them might be mine. Bah, the second one was his own. -.- He didn't take my card for me, lol.

I told him to wait there for Vernon, then went inside the school, and I found the teacher walking down the stairs, holding my card, lol. I took my card back, and when I left, I saw Vernon and Kuan Hon, lol. It's lucky I managed to remember it, Vernon totally forgot, lol, and he was about to board the bus before I called. XD

So we crossed the road a second time and I told him, "Bye... for the second time." XD

The moon sure looks pretty tonight, ya?

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