Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I'm going to sing with all my heart.
Please listen to "Hare Hare Yukai".

It would seem that you can really foretell the future, but nothing is certain
Even so, there's still one thing I'll count on
I feel uneasy when you've got that look!
So I'm begging, stop staring in my direction!
(Back off!!)
Oh stars high above, won't you come down and comfort me? T_T
It's a waste of time!
Byuuuuuuuuun! (BYUUUUUUUNNNNN!!)
Cheap and cool events that you always plan out for us
...always cause me great pain or make me blush red with shame! I want out! (Oi!)

Those are lyrics taken from Hare Hare Yukai - Kyon's Version, by the way, in which I almost wanted to sing during school just now... I might as well elaborate on it...

So after school, we were supposed to stay back to rehearse for the class performance on Graduation Day this Friday. And man, I went, thinking, ah, since this is probably the last time I'd do this with my class, since we are separating at the end of the year and all, I might as well try and put in some effort, and seriously, I left deeming it a waste of time. The whole thing was disorganized, and the leadership seems so weak. They can't not waste time getting things into place. Not to forget their indecisiveness. They are making changes and then undoing those changes almost every five minutes. Not that I would care much, but the changes are confusing the heck out of me, and with two days more to go, are you sure it is alright to be STILL making changes? Man, it's like they didn't even plan or organize anything...

And yeah, further more we are wasting time procrastinating, either standing up on the stage waiting for the music to play so we can dance, or sitting down at the canteen chatting, not doing anything productive and actually not knowing what we are supposed to be doing... I don't even know or understand why they are actually taking so long just for a rehearsal. Well, it still boils down to lack of planning and organization and stuff... Yeah, sure, I understand that it's hard to be a leader and lead the class in such a thing, but darn, it's even harder to be a "follower" if this continues on...

And sigh, to add on, may I add that there were some people, including me, who still doesn't understand some/half/most of the dance steps? -.- Man, the hand movements are just too complicated, and to make matters worse, during the rehearsals, the people who are leading the dance are dancing with their backs faced to us? I mean, come on, how the heck are we supposed to look at the hand movements and follow if they are facing their backs towards us? Sigh...

And I still don't understand why we are all just hanging around the classroom and chatting when we can actually stop wasting time and start rehearsing, which I seriously believe that we need. Still, even if they want to procrastinate, I rather we procrastinate at home, perhaps while reading manga or chatting on MSN, rather than procrastinate at the hot canteen, watching some guys in our class whack each other's asses... *rolls eyes*

I was amazed I actually bothered to hang back around ten minutes after our dismissal time (in which, as one can expect, our rehearsal has not finished yet), hoping they can quit wasting time and actually start doing something productive, but meh, I sort of gave up hope, and Yoshida and Vernon seem to did so too, because the three of us left together, the three earliest to get the hell out. Sigh...

And believe it or not, while we are procrastinating, not knowing what the "leaders" are up to, I found myself wasting quite a lot of time and started thinking, "Hoshi-tachi yo nagusamete kure yo? T_T" -.-

Translation: Oh stars high above, won't you come down and comfort me? T_T

And might as well blog about school...

First period is Physics. The teacher came to the classroom again and gave us more practice papers to do. This one has 40 questions of MCQs (Multiple-Choice Questions). Meh, I breezed through it, not bothering to ensure if my answer is correct or wrong... :P

And Geography next. Zzzzzz. I'm starting to dislike the teacher. She gives more boring practice papers (and for those taking Geography should know why they are boring... I mean, you have to write so freaking much for one part of a question, and there are like four to ten parts in a question, and five questions!!), so of course, my first reaction is to go to sleep. And so the teacher just has to go shout out my name and get me to wake up. Zzzz, I can't be bothered to give a damn. So she asks Yoshida (who sits beside me if you haven't get it yet) to tickle me. He just poked me on the arm, in which I'm grateful for. But yet the teacher shouts in a high-pitch and very annoying voice, "That's not tickling!" So Yoshida no choice no choice, tickle me a bit, so I also no choice no choice wake up a bit. Then I look at my watch, countdowns audibly, "Five. Four. Three. Two. One." and slams my head back onto the table and falls asleep. And the teacher spots me, damn it. I thought the countdown should work. Let her assume for five blissful seconds that her student is doing what the heck she wants. So she shouts, "If you want to sleep in my class, you better return me my papers back. And I will not give you any more papers in the future." I thought of it for a while, considered the consequences, and heck, with my head still on the table, I took my paper on the table and almost wanted to hand it back to her. -_-

So no choice, I had to try and do the practice paper, despite how boring it is. I had an overwhelming urge to copy the answers off the textbooks, but I didn't bring mine. Yoshida suggest I take an Elective Geography textbook someone left behind at the shelf behind the classroom, since it is almost the same to our Sec 4 Pure Geography textbook, but I can't find any E. Geog. textbooks. Sigh... So no choice, I had to do it without a textbook. So I looked at the questions, figured out how much I had to write, shouted inside my mind, "SIAN!"

Sian is a Singlish term commonly used in Singapore to show displeasure or extreme boredom.

When bored, resort to doing ridiculous things that kill your boredom. Yup, that's what I did. I did the practice paper by filling it up with very short answers that are most of the time ridiculously funny (if this was an exam though, I doubt the marker would find it funny). Sometimes I even share the answer with Yoshida, and we would have a laugh. Haha. XD

So halfway, filling the paper up with stupid answers, the teacher shouts my name again, forcing me to roll my eyeballs. What have I done wrong this time? (Despite filling shit up for my practice paper, I am STILL doing my practice paper nevertheless, in which I find that I have done nothing technically wrong.) So she goes ahead and jumps to a conclusion that I am doing some other subject. Oh, great, oh, great. I voice my displeasure out to Yoshida (but loudly so that the damned teacher can hear), with stuff like, "I sleep and she not happy. Now I do Geography she still not happy, some more thinking I doing other subject. There's no more justice in this world. I might as well go and sleep." She deserved it.

While waiting for the English teacher to come after Geography lesson, I went to Vernon and Ephraim's tables, and Yuhaimi asked me why I went to sleep. Well, you gotta look here, I am getting used to JC and Polytechnic life here! In JC and Poly, during lessons, you can do any shit you want, and the lecturer wouldn't even give a damn about you! You can sleep and snore even louder than a Exploud using Hyper Voice, and the lecturer wouldn't care. You can just walk out of class, play truant and come back later, eating some snacks you went to buy at the canteen, and the lecturer wouldn't care. You can just turn on your laptop, play Counterstrike, get headshot and get owned within five seconds, and thus get forced to shout loudly, "FUCK!!", and the lecturer wouldn't care as well... (...well, at least Dave told me so...) Sigh, and she makes such a big deal out of me sleeping.

Yuhaimi asks me what grade I get for my Geography in the preliminaries, in which I told him B3. And to justify myself, I asked him what grade he got, and he told me he got a C6. Yeah, sure, we should all be like Yuhaimi, pay attention in class, do whatever practice papers given to you with fullest attention, just like a good boy, and get a C6, and be less like me, sleeping in class and get a B3. *rolls eyes*

Last period was English. The teacher continued to go through the comprehension passage we did last week. Yup.

I'm in a rush. Gotta go now.

Alright, I got back. Edwyna SMSed me to meet up with her so as to teach her A. Maths, lol. Sigh, I'm so disappointed in myself... She didn't know how to do a few questions on Integration: Area Under the Curve. The questions seem so easy (to me of course ^_^"), yet the only freaking unfortunate thing is that I FORGOT THE FORMULAE FOR INTEGRATION!! ARGH! It's like I've started learning Integration since four months ago, and I HAVEN'T EVEN MANAGE TO MEMORIZE THEM YET!! RARGH!! Damn it, man, what's freakin' wrong with me? Just memorize them!!

Okay, that does it! Desperate times call for desperate measures! I'm going to compile every single formula in the A. Maths textbook and post it on my blog, just like what I did to Physics, so I can read them all at one go and FREAKING MEMORIZE 'EM!! RARGH!!! IT'S DO OR DIE!!

And while going home, I spilt my drink in front of my door while opening it. D:

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