Went to school today because Jurene SMSed me last night during the 4R2 class barbecue wanting me to go to school today to do our INCG project. Sigh... Oh well. She said to meet up outside the TP Library at 1pm, so I went there at 12.40pm and expected them to be all there, waiting for me already (you don't know how early Jurene and Jian Shun always turn up for the term tests...).
So, expect my surprise when I went there and saw no one whom I am familiar with around. So I went to this bench occupied by one guy looking as if he is waiting for his friends too, and jumped onto the benches, ignoring whatever opinions or comments that guy may have, and started listening to music. About ten minutes later, I see Jian Shun walk towards the library (was extremely easy to spot him at a distance, wearing that orange T-shirt, I must say), and then he suddenly changed direction and went to the IT school.
Lol! Apparently, both Yong Han and Wan Xiang are already there, sitting at a bench outside IT school, so I went to join now the three of them. The four of us waited for like twenty minutes (I'm glad I have music to listen to), before Jian Shun finally decided to call Jurene and ask her where she is. Apparently, she came, saw that no one was waiting outside the library, and went on somewhere else on a walk. :3 Not my fault!
Sat at a bench outside the TP library deciding what to do. Then we went to the book shop to buy a board for our board game (I must admit though, my top priority at the book shop was to check if any new manga came out XD). Yong Han ended up paying for it, lol. Then we went to the library, got an atlas there at the fifth floor, then went to the sixth floor and got Wan Xiang to draw a world map on the board. Jian Shun, Jurene and Yong Han then went to the computer lab to do research on questions.
Wan Xiang and I finished in twenty minutes (he was doing most of the work; I was there criticizing him
Jian Shun funny lor. He do finish Asia he don't want to do liao. =.= Both Yong Han and Wan Xiang were (no offense, guys ^^) slow, lol. So somehow... I ended up doing questions for North America, Africa AND Antarctica. T______T
We went home at 5pm.
Slaying Dagannoths, with Wei Kai killing them beside me for his Level 99 Strength goal. :D
Strength level 87! :D
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