Thursday, June 12, 2008

I secretly picture that smile of yours

Been playing RuneScape the whole day.

Strength level 87. :D

Went to Knight Nwk's house, and he wants me to stand at the trap in his Throne Room, so he can activate the lever and drop me down into his oubliette. I went down the trapdoor into his oubliette and got a freaking shock of my life. THOSE SPIKES ARE SO SHARP AND SO BLOODY!! O____________O

Went to do the new quest, Rocking Out. Next time my superior acts like he's been smoking some low-quality weed, I'll ask him, "Have you been taking your pills, boss?" XD

Oh yeah, I love firing seagulls near peoples' heads.


*has just got an idea*

Topsummoner has hydroendocardiospatulaitis syndrome!!

*looks forward to seeing this when I Google "hydroendocardiospatulaitis syndrome" next time*

Haha, I made a new friend during the quest too. He's been helping me a lot throughout this quest. Thanks a lot, Threebulls! XD

He's the Captain of The Scourge. Aye, aye, Captain. *imagines a flock of Undead overrunning caravans*

Quest completed. Mwahahahahaha. :D

Slayer level 71. Mwahahahahaha. :D

Junk level 3 clue. :\ This one was a pain in the ass. Needed to run into the wilderness, got hunted down by a Revenant Orc, and finally managed to reach Clan Wars with 6/90HP and teleported the hell out. -_- I hate how hard my heart beats when I reached 6HP lmao.

Went Slaying Red Dragons for a Slayer Task later. I enjoyed this particular Slayer Task.

That's it for today. :D

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