Sunday, June 15, 2008

Silly emo

Silly emo. You thought you didn't have any.

Slayer level 72! :D

Lol, two people doing the same clue in the same world at the same time. XP

Whoa... A whole field of flowers in Edgeville. O___O And say hi to Simon behind me! XD (I presumed he saw the green dot on his minimap when he was in bank and came out to say hi ^^)

Do I look like I appreciate flowers? XP

Junk Treasure Trails. *rolls eyes*

Got Summoning level 53 from Tears of Guthix! :D

More junk Treasure Trails. *rolls eyes* Oh well, at least the 15 Purple Sweets sold out instantly on Grand Exchange at maximum price.

More junk Treasure Trails......


Kfn got his 55th (or so I believe if memory serves me right :P) Slayer task in a row completed, and I started up a chain of "w00t!"s. :P

w00t! Rune Kiteshield (h3)! :D

Junk Treasure Trails.

Strength level 88 and combat level 117! :D

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