Monday, December 10, 2007

I'll believe in your voice


Surechigatta toki no uzu
Kuchihatetemo kimi no koe wo shinjite

Even if everything decays in the whirlpool of time we spent passing each other by,
I'll believe in your voice

Before I start, I'd like to share a joke. XD

It is wise to remember how easily this wonderful technology called e-mail can be misused, sometimes unintentionally, with serious consequences.
Consider the case of the Illinois man who left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day.
When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick e-mail. Unable to find the scrap of paper on which he had written her e-mail address, he did his best to type it in from memory.
Unfortunately, he missed one letter, and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher's wife, whose husband had passed away only the day before.
When the grieving widow checked her e-mail, she took one look at the monitor, let out a piercing scream, and fell to the floor in a dead faint.
At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen:
Dearest Wife, Just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow.
Signed, Your eternally loving husband.
PS. Sure is hot down here!

You know the four elemental spells that Syaoran from both Cardcaptor Sakura and Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE use?
  • Raitei Shourai - 雷帝招来 - Emperor of Thunder, Answer my call!
  • Fuuka Shourai - 風華招来 - Petals of Wind, Answer my call!
  • Kashin Shourai - 火神招来 - God of Fire, Answer my call!
  • Suiryuu Shourai - 水龍招来 - Dragon of Water, Answer my call!
Well, I just felt like looking at the four phrases being combined together, but since I lack the necessary software to do something like this myself (damn PowerPoint trial ran out. I swear I'm buying one right on pay day -.-), I got Jasmine to do it for me with her PhotoShop. Thanks, Jas! :D

Oooh, looks good, doesn't it? :P 水龍招来 seems too obvious, while you can hardly see 雷帝招来 though. Must be the coloring.

Though anyone who reads Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE, I'd like to ask something. Wikipedia says that Syaoran uses a combination of all four attacks on Seishirou, right? Well, where the hell!? I re-read and re-read those chapters that Syaoran and Seishirou fought in feudal Japan, and all I saw is Syaoran surprising Seishirou with a Raitei Shourai, jumping towards Seishirou, grabbing that feather, something black comes out and envelops Syaoran, and he goes into the dream world chasing after Sakura. Where the heck is that so-called combination of four attacks?

A storm is coming...

Haha, this is a picture I took of the black, stormy clouds on my way back to the factory after having lunch. I'm glad it rained right after I reached the factory, and not before. ^_^ Then again, should I even be glad at all that it rain? Oh well, no helping it. Stupid monsoon season.

During work, I looked outside the windows, wanting to check if the rain has stopped, and saw, whoa, the PIE is choked with a traffic jam! XD I told that to my colleagues, but bah, I suppose they have no interest in such mundane events. *rolls eyes*

Can't see anything, right? I'll zoom in. :)

Well, apart from standard, normal, boring, monotonous work today, I also had OT to do, meaning that the amount of rest that I will get today is equal to zero. Sigh, I'm so tired nowadays that even though I'm rather good at mathematics, I can't manage to count and keep track of the number of times I yawned throughout the day. Yes, it is that bad.

Adrian and I are the only ones doing OT today, and we were asked to paste stamps on envelopes. Oh great. And whoa, holy, the two of us alone were able to paste 2800 stamps on 2800 envelopes in three hours! :D About eight stamps per minute. Oh my God, that's slow. 2800 in three hours seem a lot, but eight in a minute seem slow, get what I mean? XD Oh well, guess the two of us slack too much. XD

After OT, I got Adrian to have dinner with me, since my parents are not home (went to the casinos in Indonesia to lose more money, I bet *rolls eyes*). Both of us, being readers of One Piece manga, decided to check out if there are any new volumes of One Piece coming out first. I suggested going to Popular, but Adrian told me he checks out Comic Connection, and since I don't really have any preferences, might as well. The two of us went to Century Square, with the huge rain outside.

Adrian then told me that he and Ming Yuen originally decided to meet up at the arcade in Century Square to play some games together, so while walking towards Century Square, I called him (as Adrian didn't have Ming Yuen's number). Turns out Ming Yuen was preparing to leave, lol, so I gave the phone to Adrian, who exclaimed, "Wah lao wei! You say you want to play, I even bring my cards, then you tell me you're leaving!? What the hell?" XD


On the escalator from the fourth floor to the fifth, we saw Ming Yuen taking the escalator down on the opposite side of the mall. XD Adrian shouted his name, while I followed with an "Oiiii!", and Ming Yuen looked at us and waved. XD Initially wanting to leave, he changed his mind, made one big round to the escalator up and came along with us. XD

Inside the arcade, they ended up not playing anything lol. Ming Yuen was just here to meet up with his friend and watch him play, so apparently didn't play at all, while Adrian has no money and can't blow any on playing, haha, so we ended up watching some people play and leave later.

We went into Comic Connection. Allow me to complain.

NO NEW MANGA VOLUMES~~~???!!! O______O

Manga shouldn't be called 漫画. It should be called 慢画. XD For those of you who don't understand, 漫画 (means manga) have the same pronounciation as 慢画 in Chinese, though I'm not so sure about Japanese. And 慢 means slow. ;)

We left Century Square, Ming Yuen and I busy discussing about Yu-Gi-Oh!, while Adrian tagged behind. XD Ming Yuen then went home, wanting to eat dinner at home, so Adrian and I proceeded. We first went to Popular, to check out the manga there, but nope, still no manga. Sigh. D:

After walking around a lot, we finally ended up in our destination: McDonald's. Well, crap. He only had $2 with him, while I only had $7, and that is definitely not enough. So lmao, I ended up using my EZ-Link card to pay. XD

One of the girls working at McDonald's, serving customers behind the counter, looks really cute, haha. :P She just looks like Hiok Joo, except that she had longer hair. Hmm, I didn't realize that Hiok Joo could look so cute with long hair as well. XP

I was telling Adrian about the girl, and guess what he told me? "Wait until non-peak times, when there is hardly anyone. (The restaurant is full while we were eating then, choked with people with every single table occupied and the queues at the counters long) Then go and ask her for her number and contact details." Lmao! XD

Of course I didn't do that, haha. What's the chance of her not staring at me with an expression similar to this: when I ask her? :P

While eating, we were chatting about One Piece, lol. Adrian only reads the Chinese manga, while I watch the anime, so I tend to use a lot of terms that one reading the Chinese manga cannot understand. XP Especially the CP9's Rokushiki. Soru, Hirenkyaku, Tekkai, Shigan, Geppou, Kami-e (oh my God, I almost tried to add Shunpo into the list ). None of which he can understand. XD

Well, naturally, I was looking at the girl at the counter most of the time while eating, hehheh. :P It's convenient that where I sat was facing the counter. XP Then, some guy wanting to order food came between us and blocked my view. -.- My immediate reaction: "Oh my God! Do you have a rubber band? Lend it to me so I can shoot that guy! Damn him for blocking my way!! Why didn't you kope a rubber band or two from work? (There are a lot, and trust me on this, of rubber bands in our factory) Argh, what am I going to do to get that guy out of the way?!" Adrian replied, "Do you think you are Usopp?"


I think the girl noticed me staring at her, haha. She looked at me with an eye, and holy, I feel as if I have been shocked by an electrical power of 299,792,458 voltages and 6.0221415 × 1023 watt!! O_O Haha, maybe I'm exaggerating, but darn, that girl sure knows how to "shoot electricity out of her eyes".

Note: It may seem as though I've obtained those two numbers above from thin air, just pressing random buttons on my numeric keypad without looking at it, but nope. 299,792,458 is the speed of light in metres per second, and 6.0221415 × 1023 is the Avogadro's constant. XD

We left McDonald's after finishing our meal, and our chat on One Piece came to the Straw Hats' bounties. We laughed so loud together when we mentioned about Chopper's pathetic 50 belli and Sanji's pathetic picture that I think the people around us are thinking of us as a pair of two mad lunatics. XD Oda (author of One Piece) is a God, man, for thinking up of something so freaking funny!! XD

On the way home, we stopped at the MRT Station, because after that meal, my EZ-Link card is only left with $3.30, and I needed to top it up. -.- It's so convenient that the top-up machines in the MRT Station accept NETS. XD Though I think it's rather funny. Using your EZ-Link card to pay for meals, then using money from your bank account to put the money back into your EZ-Link card through NETS.

Last but not least, some screenshots of Fiesta that I took while playing it yesterday. XP

A cute girl I met while buying Healing Stones from the Healer. :P

An archer whom I teamed up with while killing the same monsters. Don't let her cute appearance fool you, she's a guy playing as a girl. XD Lol, she - I mean he - told me that he's playing as a girl because the guys' equipments suck in terms of appearance. Looking at the armour I am wearing now, I can't help but nod in agreement.

This picture was taken because I deem it as nice scenery. XD

Okay, good night. Gotta go to bed, there's still work tomorrow. I'm tired. D:

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