Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm just weak

I'm not kind at all... I'm just weak.
And it's that weakness of mine that brought about this situation.
...Let's being an end to it, your Majesty.
To that wish of yours...
...And also...
...to my own wish.

The weather nowadays is fucked up. First it rains cats and dogs, so I have to go and close the windows to prevent rainwater from spilling in. Next minute, the sky is all clear again, so I have to go and open the windows again, so as to make the room cooler. And next minute, it rains again, forcing me to close the windows again! Make up your dumb mind, stupid weather!!

Wait, rain cats and dogs?


Oh, and I was watching Naruto episode 134 just now, the final episode of the battle between Naruto and Sasuke in the Sasuke Retrieval arc (holy shit, three episodes just for a fight. I blame those flashbacks in the middle of their fight -.-). It was pretty weird to not only see rain outside my window, but to see rain in this episode as well. o.O

Oh, and I don't think it rained coincidentally just to suit the grim mood of Naruto's failure to bring Sasuke back, lol. I think it's more of because when Naruto's Kyuubi Rasengan and Sasuke's Habataku Chidori clashed, it resulted in a huge explosion of heat that very quickly evaporated the water in the river and waterfall which they are fighting on. The sudden rise in humidity results in the quick formation of clouds and thus rain. o.O

Oh, and I'm sure everyone talked about the place where the two of them fought, the Valley of the End. Yeah, that place was really symbolic for Naruto and Sasuke to fight down there, haha. The Valley of the End was famous for being the place where Senju, more commonly known as Shodai Hokage (the First Hokage), fought against Uchiha Madara. Who would have knew that years later, a Hokage-wannabe and another Uchiha would fight at that exact same place? XD

And lol, if Gaara can become Kazekage, I'm sure Naruto can become Hokage. Not to mention that both Gaara and Naruto's fathers are Kazekage and Hokage respectively... Maybe he would be the Rokudaime Hokage (Sixth Hokage)? XD

And speaking of Naruto, I still find it funny that his parents named him Naruto, after one of the fictional characters named Naruto in the books Jiraiya was writing. Jiraiya said that he was eating ramen when he thought up of the name Naruto, and what do you know? Turns out Naruto's favorite food became ramen, and that was totally coincidental, lmao. He doesn't even know Jiraiya until he was training with Ebisu and when the former caught Jiraiya peeping on women. XD

It stopped raining again. How troublesome.

Oh fuck! It started raining again! What the crappy hell!? I'm sick of this already!!

On a side note with something irrelevant to Naruto or the rain outside, it's about my polytechnic enrolment procedures. I still have not submit the offline documents, even though I have already done my enrolment online. I think it won't hurt for them to wait a few more, since all these financial stuff are pissing me off.

Wanted to use PSEA (Post Secondary Education Account) initially, but what the fuck? There's only $326 inside? You gotta be fuckin' kiddin' with me, god dammit!! I have no one to blame for this other than my old secondary school and its principal. I'm hundred percent sure that the lack of funds in my PSEA is all thanks to them signing their students up for courses after courses, deducting our Edusave funds like cutting butter. -.-

So I had no choice but to use my father's CPF. And what the fuck do you know? Instead of simply using money from CPF, no, no, they have to make it more complicated. You take money out of your CPF as a loan, and you still have to return back your own money, and together with 2.5% interest. DON'T SCREW WITH ME, DAMMIT! The money inside my father's CPF account is MY FATHER'S OWN!! Why must I give the government 2.5% interest just to borrow my father's money?! Ugh! What the fuck?!

And not only that, the stupid online CPF is pissing me off as well! Why the hell must they make this dumb shit so freaking confusing? Besides, what the hell is wrong with you? For fuck's sake, make your website so that Firefox can freaking load it! Argh, damn! I'm just so pissed off I feel like slamming a Rasengan into my laptop!!

Of course, it couldn't be any more plainer that when the CPF poll pops up, I was one of 603 people out of 16,504 (or 3.65%) who replied "Dissatisfied" in response to the question "Are you satisfied with the information and services provided by my cpf Online Services? and one of 798 people out of 16,133 (or 4.95%) who replied "Not Easy to Use" in response to the question "How do you find my cpf Online Services?". -___________-

Don't ask me why the total numbers of people who voted of the two questions don't match. I have no freaking idea why either.

Okay, fuck it. My father just got frustrated of my frustration and decided to just fucking pay cash. It's settled. -.- I doubt my family is so poor I can't even pay two thousand bucks a year. -___________-

*kicks the CPF website one side*

......I think I need to buy myself a fuse that allows a higher current to pass through. Since I have such a short fuse. -.-

...It's raining again. =.=

Yay, Kilik is reported to be back in Soul Calibur IV! :D He looks cool in it, haha. XD

I'm utterly shocked at what Friendster can do to my Gmail account. O____O

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