Friday, March 07, 2008

Sigh... I'm such a fucking idiot.

Before I touch on the negative parts of life that I happen to be facing right now, engaged in a staring match with it that could anytime develop into a blood-spilling sword-drawing fight easily, I think I would be better off blogging about today first. ^_^"

I was playing Final Fantasy X this afternoon when Hong Wei called me, telling me that he is free now to collect his sub money. Since he didn't have lunch yet, I decided to go and have lunch with him. My father, since he didn't have lunch neither, tagged along. God bless whoever employed my mother for work. Not only do I get to be spared from her constantly nagging, I also get to avoid eating meals cooked by her. God bless her employer.

My father and I went to Block 201 and met up with Hong Wei there. Thanks to Sin Wei and his "BEND IT AND TWIST IT" trick, I started to find it a habit to bend and twist my finished coca-cola cans every time I am done with my meal. This time is no exception.

Though this time, I managed to break it into two halves. XD

Pieced them together. o.O

Using Hong Wei's finished can of vanilla coca-cola for a BEFORE and AFTER image. XD

Lol, Hong Wei doesn't eat his salad. *points at Hong Wei* CARNIVORE!! :O

On the way home to get my basketball so we can play basketball (duh!), we saw a BMW, haha. XD

As Hong Wei pointed out, the nicest part of the car is still, the BMW logo. XD

Though, what's that part up there that looks like the fin of a shark? o.O

Went to play basketball. There were two other guys there around the same age as us, one wearing red, the other wearing white. The one wearing red was about as tall as us, though the white one is shorter. Despite his height, he still plays better than us, lol. Of course, same goes for the red one. Oh, and they spoke with some kind of China accent, lol. We played two matches and were thrashed both times. Good game. XD

Then, as we went to play a 1-on-1 match ourselves, a kid drinking a can of Milo and carrying a basketball came, so we asked him to play along with us. He asked me, "Play what?" I told him, "Basketball, duh!" And I told Hong Wei later, "He asked me play what leh? I almost wanted to tell him ice-and-water sia! XD"

After the kid finishes his Milo, I went and asked him again. He asked me, "Play what?" again. I can't resist rolling my eyes this time. That kid and I teamed up with Hong Wei for a 2-on-1 match, haha, and damn, he shoots damn good for someone his height. Even better than me. O______O

Halfway, he drops the keys and coins in his pocket, and I saw a Itachi keychain attached to his keys, so I went and chat with him about Naruto briefly. XD

The two of us defeated Hong Wei, haha, so we went and buy ourselves a drink (after four matches, of course). After that, we came back and there was a Malay kid there too, so we asked everyone to play a 3-on-3 match, with Hong Wei, me and the Naruto kid against the two China accent people and the Malay kid.

First match, we were thrashed. 11-0. It went so quick it wasn't even funny. =.=

Second match, I decided that my slippers were in my way, so I took them off. Big mistake. Just when the game goes 6-4 (with us leading), I started feeling pain in my legs. Well, fuck. Big injury, thanks to friction against the floor. Fuck. Fuck! Now even my ability to walk is affected. Fuck. Nothing else to curse other than "fuck", so I'm sorry for that. Fuck.

Looking at this photo I take of my own injury seems to even hurt.

Thanks to Hong Wei for taking me home, haha. I must say, my mother is the only mother on Earth to not give a damn about his son getting injured. -.- Screw her, damn it.

Played Soul Calibur III with Hong Wei for half an hour before he left. I won, 11-2, haha. XD

The only two matches I lost to him are Rock vs Taki, where we got those characters by random (both of us played by selecting Random for our characters), and I have no idea how the hell to use Rock. -.- Second match was Cassandra vs Olcadan, and I thought I'd go easy on him since it's the last match. XD

Sigh... Now to complain and rant.

Fuck!! With my leg like this, how the fuck am I supposed to do the enrolment procedures for my polytechnic? And I still have to go for a medical checkup? Don't screw with me, damn it! And I still have to print some shit out? Screw you! I don't have a God damned printer! Damn it all! This is God damned troublesome, even without my freaking crippled leg! Damn it! Why must this shit happened to me at such an inconvenient time?! Shit! Shit! Shit!! Damn it!!

Zzzzzz... I want my leg to heal faster, man. -.-

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