Saturday, January 19, 2008

My faint hope is carried away in the night wind

Haha, title of today's blog post comes from the first line of the chorus of Bleach's seventh and newest opening, After Dark! :D After Dark rocks if you listen to it at full blast, loudest volume, whoohoo! XD

Working on a Saturday can be rather sian, but the thought that there is no work tomorrow cheers me up. ^_^ Oh, and haha, I wore the black T-shirt Hong Wei gave to me yesterday as my birthday present to work today. XD

Lol, they are painting the factory where we are working at today, and the tall machine that they used to get up so they can paint the higher walls of the factory just fascinated me. :P

I had breakfast with Kim Hui, Deck Deng (been a long time since I last ate with him, haha. To be honest, I missed his constant nose sniffing XD) and the second uncle. While chatting about what we are going to do on Chinese New Year (just nineteen days away, looking forward to it! Yes, I'm counting down! What a crazy bastard I am, eh? XD), Deck Deng asked me whether I go to my grandparents' houses during CNY. I told them that I only go to my paternal grandparents' houses, since my maternal ones are in Malaysia.

Yup, my mother is a Malaysian. Surprising, eh? I'm rather surprised no one could tell, lol, given my thick eyebrows (I was wondering how I got these... *points at eyebrows* when my father's isn't that thick... I realized how after my family went to Johor in Malaysia for some shopping XD), lol. I think I only told Vernon and Yoshida so far, when Vernon mention how Yoshida is a "filthy half-breed" (obviously taken from Harry Potter. :P Oh, and Yoshida is half-Japanese and half-Singaporean, you see), and I added that I was one too. XD

Ah, shit, now everyone knows now. Don't be mistaken, guys, I do not like the Malaysian half of myself. I wanna be 100% Singaporean, lol. :3

And whoa, who the hell could have tell? Kim Hui is exactly like me too! Yay, my half-breed nakama!


Lunch was with Kim Hui, Hong Wei and second uncle. After having lunch, the three of us (second uncle always go back earlier before we are finished yet) went back, and what greeted us at the entrance of our factory was this:

A sign on the left that says "STOP! SECURITY CHECK" (Argh, Kim Hui, you're blocking it! ), and a sign on the right saying "DANGER - KEEP OUT". XD It's like, which way should we go? On the left, through the front entrance and passing the warehouse, or go to the right and use the staff-exclusive back door that we are supposed to use?

Well, as probably Kim Hui and Hong Wei (his hand, at least, seen at the most extreme left. He's getting rather good at dodging my camera shots) indicated, we took the path on the left, haha.

Work ended 20 minutes earlier. All thanks to the boss for being on holidays that we get to slack. XD Kim Hui and I were just standing there, waiting for it to be 2 o'clock, so we can race to get the heck outta here (XD), lol, and I was fooling around with my camera.

Yes, this photograph was taken with neither Kim Hui's knowledge nor permission. That explains the camera angle pretty well (since I was sitting down while he was standing up, and I was pretending to be browsing images inside my handphone :P), though, his pose looks rather cool. XD Just like Sir Stamford Raffles, man!!


After work, Kim Hui and I went to Century Square to check out some manga, haha. Argh! Why must Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE volumes 18 and 19 come out at the same time, and even together with One Piece volume 48!? Now which one should I buy!? Argh!!

I ended up buying all three. There goes three hours and eighteen minutes of work. XP Though, oh well, why else would I work for? XD

Hmmm, remember in the Skypiea arc in One Piece, when Luffy, Sanji and Usopp aboard the Karasumaru (that little ship Conis gave them?) had to choose which Ordeal to go into? Luffy said that if they chose the wrong door to go to out of the four of them, they might fall off Sky Island, right?

Since they are 10,000 metres above sea level, I wonder how long would they take to hit sea level, lol.

Let's see here. Time for some Physics calculation. :P

Let's see, I found this useful little terminal velocity calculator here. With this, I can calculate terminal velocity (the maximum velocity at which free-falling can occur due to the presence of air resistance).

Let's assume that each of those three weigh 650N, the weight of an average man. As for the gondola... Um... 1500N will do, I guess. So the combined weight would be, give and take, about 3500N.

According to the picture of Karasumaru here, and comparing it with Conis' height, assuming that she is 1.6m tall, the gondola should have the dimensions of length of 4m and width of 1m (the height not being important here :P). So its cross section area should be 4m2.

The terminal velocity adds up to 261.774m/s. Since this calculation is just for fun, we don't have to do it so accurately (:P), so let's just round it off to 260m/s.

The time taken to accelerate from rest (0m/s) to terminal velocity (260m/s), assuming that the acceleration of free-fall is 10m/s2 (again, no need to be so accurate), is...

In this period of twenty-six seconds, the ship would have traveled a distance of...

3380m traveled while the ship accelerate. So for the remainder journey of 6620m, the ship would be traveling at a constant speed of 260m/s.

51.5 seconds... That's even less than a minute. What shit can you see flashing before your eyes? =.=

xxxHolic chapter 148 FINALLY came out. Well, the Chinese scanlation anyway. Who cares about the language? I can read it, and that's all that matters.

The first thing I shouted out loud after finish reading that chapter was "WHAT?! THAT'S IT?!"

Wow, and to think we waited a month and a week for that. I think we got scammed.

Watched Zero no Tsukaima episode 13, which is the last episode lol.

When Princess Henrietta said that she wanted to lead the army herself in the war against Albion, I was like, "Umm, and what the heck are you going to do there? Make your soldiers constantly worrying, 'I must protect the princess! I must not let her get hurt!'? Gee, just stay out of the battle and stay safe!" Until I saw her battle outfit...

Gorgeous!! Gorgeous!! O_____O

Okay, it's so obvious she's not there to lead the army. She's there to boost morale. ^_^

The idea of gryphons fighting against dragons was laughable, man. What made those idiots think they stand a chance?

Dots, did those dragons got taken down by a Mitsubishi A6M Zero...? Oh my God, dragons being taken down by a World War II plane... Just imagine the ownage if Saito isn't driving that WWII plane, but a F-22 Raptor instead. I'm laughing out loud as I picture the scene in my mind. It can practically crushed the Albion army and smashed its warship to bits. Single-handedly.

I wanna be more like Sanji, and be brave enough to kick my nakama after they insult a lady. :P

Nami is right, Zoro. STAY WHERE YOU ARE.

"Love is a Dilemma, the Lunch of a Descending Angel". One can't help but feel just how nice this name is. ;D

Lol at Nami pulling Sanji's ear. XP Oh, and I tried using it on Jasmine. XD Don't think it worked that well though...

Samy [あたりめーだろ… 誓ったんだよ… 絶対に助けるってな… 誰でもねぇよ… ただ俺の… 魂にだ!!!!] says:
Ah, I have a problem here
★ .:_.Jasmine._:. ★ 慧莹 ジャスミン [No. 26] says:
Samy [あたりめーだろ… 誓ったんだよ… 絶対に助けるってな… 誰でもねぇよ… ただ俺の… 魂にだ!!!!] says:
Your gaze burns a hole in my heart...
★ .:_.Jasmine._:. ★ 慧莹 ジャスミン [No. 26] says:

Oh, and haha, today, the CPF Board sent me a letter telling me about some DPS. Well, the only DPS I know is the one which is used in MMORPGs - Damage Per Second, and I doubt its usage can be applied in a compulsory comprehensive social security savings plan? O.o

Turns out DPS is some sort of Dependants' Protection Scheme, lol. Long story short, they are deducting thirty-six bucks from your CPF account every year to buy you insurance. Or at least, that is what I concluded after reading through those four pages of crap and junk.

I want my thirty-six bucks back. T_T

Oh, of course, it is hitsuzen that the number of dollars they are taking away from me every year is the same number as my favorite number. XP

Spent two hours reading my newly bought Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE volumes 18 and 19, haha. XD Here are some pictures I find good. ^_^

I'll protect her.

Just to protect you, I won't let anyone stand in my way.

I won't let you go.

Tried combining the four of Syaoran's elemental spells. Don't think it ended up looking well, lol. :P

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