Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Reunion Dinner

Reunion Dinner
The dinner where everyone reunites and eat together, in the hope that we will always be united

Going to grandfather's house at around 5.30pm, and expecting to be the last, with everyone there already. I can't believe that only Dave's family arrived earlier than us. They have no punctuality whatsoever.

Killed some time watching television and reading newspapers with Wen Qian and Dave. Wen Qian and I got bored later though, and I taught her how to use the auto-focus function of my 3.2 megapixel camera (yes, I'm proud of my camera and just like to show off about it :D). Took this photo of grandfather's living room while teaching her how.

I just don't get why it is so blurry, since I am using auto-focus after all, while trying to teach her how to do so.

She gave it a try, and lol, much better than me, haha. It's so obvious who drank that can of coca-cola on the table. :P

Reunion dinner was prepared, but only two out of six families came, so meh... What's the point of a reunion dinner when only eight out of an expected twenty-seven people arrived? While waiting for the rest of them, I had fun taking photos of the dishes done so far. *drools at the sight of abalone :P*

As a pyromaniac myself, I took joy in taking a photo of the sparks produced by the charcoal jumping out of the hot pot. :P

Took a photo of the charcoal as well, but meh, it didn't turn out to be as impressive (to a pyromaniac such as myself anyway) as I thought it would.

They got bored of waiting and decided to eat first. In my boredom and solitude, I decided to take another photo of grandfather's living room. Sorry the camera accidentally caught my legs on the sofa. XP

And I took photos of the two swords hanging on grandfather's living room as well. :P

I think I like the black one on the right better. :P

Anyway, I decided to stop waiting as well, and went to eat. Hmmm, abalone, as usual, rocks, haha. Sucks that it is so far away from where I sat though, so I had to ask Dave to help me take some. XP The soup was rather plain. I think too much water was added into it, making it rather diluted. And that's all the dishes that made an impression in my mind. XP

As usual, I'm done with dinner first, so after getting myself a can of Carlsberg and finishing it while lazing around on the sofa, I decided to go to the kitchen and see how grandfather is doing, lol. He's still cooking. Gee, will we manage to finish all the food? Anyway, I took a photo of him frying some... um... the picture tells a thousand words. :P

I think the steam being produced from the heat made it look blurry.

And a photo of my grandfather taking the food out and putting them in a... bowl, I guess. o.O

I offered to take it out and put it on the dinner table. My grandfather told me to make sure to eat it. :S

After I'm done, I went back to the kitchen, since I have nothing to do in the living room as well anyway. Took three photos of grandfather's kitchen, haha.

Wen Qian came along and I tried to take a photo of her, but she ran too fast, so it appears as if she is doing Shunpo. XD

Three more families came while I was lazing off at the long sofa of the living room after dinner: my father (who is the third eldest among him and my uncles)'s three younger brothers' families (who include Mark, who is the son of my fifth uncle, and Edmond, son of my fourth uncle). Including Dave's father (who, like Dave, is the eldest), only my second uncle didn't come, lol.

Mark was sitting on one corner, just watching television in solitude, like an anti-social, lol. And I must admit, Edmond's red, long hair pissed me off much more than I could ever possibly imagine. Pissed me off so much, indeed, that I felt an overwhelming sensation to go forward and beat him up. Who cares if we are cousins? I don't wanna have a cousin with a punk appearance that pisses me off.

Dave, that idiot, lol. He chose to dilly-dally and eat his dinner slowly. In the meantime, the adults kept adding more and more food into his bowl (which is why I always choose to finish my rice fast, because if they keep adding, you can't finish no matter what). Thus, not only did he ended up taking a long time to eat dinner, he was also so bloated he felt so uncomfortable, he just had to go on a walk. Since I was much closer to Dave than to Mark (I can jolly well forget about mentioning Edmond), I decided to accompany Dave on his walk.
"And now, Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure."
-Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Just photos for the walk. No words (though I can't resist adding a bit of commentary here and there :P). Enjoy.

Tried taking a photo of Dave in the lead. Damn this for turning out to be blur. I should have turned night mode on!

This house looks great and comfortable to live in, doesn't it? Adding a palm tree at the front sure helps in the image. :P

Looks like a cool car, lol.

I particularly remember this 7-Eleven shop. When I was a kid, I used to occasionally stay and live in grandfather's house for a day or two, and during those times, I would come here and buy a cup of Slurpee, go back to grandfather's house, go into his room and drink it with the air-con on at full blast, haha. XD

We stumbled back to grandfather's house, although separated by a canal in between us, as we continued our walk.

Dave gets bored and decided to go back. We turned around, back to grandfather's house.

We went back to grandfather's house and sat at the table outside. A flower dropped from its leave from the plant pot my grandfather has in his house (he rather likes gardening). I don't know what that white flower is, but I think it's a jasmine, haha (only white flower I know anyway XP).

Speaking of grandfather's gardening...

A photo took secretly of Dave messing around with his phone.

We got bored again and went outside.

A photo of the canal outside grandfather's house. o.O Dave started warning me about how ghosts are going to pop up in the night if I continue this. Especially since I'm using flash. :P

The tree outside my grandfather's house...

Its leaves... Ah, I get it! On Chinese New Year Eve last year (the same day on the Chinese calendar, just one year ago :P), I SMSed Mark in boredom, and he told me to count the number of leaves on that exact same tree! XD

The street light outside grandfather's house has a funny design. :P

We went back in after we got bored and started watching television with the rest. Some lame movie on mahjong. Not knowing how to play mahjong, that movie was extremely boring to me. I don't get why everyone was laughing, but I laughed along anyway, because I didn't want to be the odd one out. XD

I laugh when I'm happy, so when I laugh, I'll be happy anyway, so why not? XD

And lol, I was killing some boredom as well by SMSing Dan, complaining to him about pang seh-ing us. To my surprise, he asked me who I am. o.O How would I get his number if he doesn't have mine, lol? I told him, "I am Mr. Prince."

And guess what? He called me dramatic. -.- Hey, what the hell, lol? Then he asks me for my name. Not wanting to reveal my identity so soon (because once I did, we'd stop SMSing each other, and I'd get bored again XD), so I told him that it was courtesy to give your own name first when asking others for their names. Saying "My bad -.-", with that emoticon reminding me of Vernon, he told me that his name... is Bobby.

Oh, so you wanna use an alias, huh? Well, two can play at this game! I told him that my name is Jason (;D), and he told me that he doesn't know any Jason in his family members. Well, damn! I myself don't know any Jason in my family members as well! XD

He started to think of me as a prank (well, hard for him not to do so, since I was using an alias XP), so I decided to give him some obvious clues that I am not a prank, but at the same time avoiding revealing my identity (because then that'd be no fun at all, right? XP), so I told him that, "Soon Guan (Dave), Soon Ping (Mark) and Wei Liang (me) are all here already, how come you didn't come?" XD

In case you don't get it, I'm trying to make him assume that I am "Edmond", lol, since the five of us (Dave, Mark, Edmond, Dan and I) are the only male grandsons of our grandfather who are around each other's ages (with Dave, the eldest, five years older than Edmond, the youngest). Forget about the other two, they are still in primary school. XP

So Dan told me "Pai seh, I forgot today reunion dinner". Wah seh, you win already lor! Reunion dinner also can forget!! *rolls eyes* Finally, he asked me, "Anyway, you are edmund or what?" Being ambiguous, yet unable to resist the urge of correcting him, I SMSed him one simple word, "Edmond."

As I figured, that'd ended the conversation. Damn. -.- No matter which identity I reveal, that'd still end all the fun, lol. Back to watching that stupid mahjong movie for me.

Everyone except Dave and my families soon left for home, before the New Year even actually started. That's rather early. We used to leave only after midnight. Whatever... I told Wen Qian, "越早来,越迟走。 (The earlier you come, the later you go)" She laughed at it. XD

We decided to go to grandmother's house, so we said goodbye to grandfather and left. Dave came along in my father's car instead of his father's van, haha. At grandmother's house, my parents went up first, while Dave chose to wait for his parents and sister, since there are some things on his father's van that he has to take up to give to grandmother.

And holy shit, he managed to spot where his father's van way before I did! I asked him, "What the hell is wrong with your eyesight?" He replied, "I have two eyes. One of them is a Sharingan, while the other is a Byakugan."


Okay, okay, that looks pretty sucky, but whatever, I don't want to waste time on this, and it's supposed to be a joke anyway. Sorry, Dave. :P

At grandmother's house, I tried getting Dave and Wen Qian to play a game of cards with me. Bleh, wasn't really fun, since both of them took so long during their turns, and besides, Dave had not play cards for a long time and forgot the rules.

Went to watch television for a short while. According to the Chinese astrology, looks like this year is going to be bad for us horses. :(

But then again...

So it shouldn't be that accurate...! :D

Played Chinese Blackjack with grandmother and my mother, and started with $2.10 worth of coins in my wallet (I'm not that rich to start gambling with the notes inside my wallet ).

BANKAI!! BAN-LUCK!! Sorry, I always get the urge to shout "Bankai", despite this move being named "Ban-Luck". :P

The same round as the one before with the Bankai Ban-luck, only that my grandmother, who is playing as the dealer, also busted. XD

And this time, it's a zanpakutou release even stronger than Bankai Chinese Blackjack card move one step up higher than the Ban-Luck, BAN-BAN!! :D Mwahahaha, triple bet. :D The hand is my grandmother, she was keeping the cards and preparing for the next round as I was taking the photo. :P

Both my mother and I, the two players who are not the dealer, achieve Bankai obtain a Ban-Luck. XD Lol, the dealer has to pay double bet for both players. I pity my grandmother. :P

A photo of my coins after we stopped playing. On the right is the coins I started with, and on the left is what I won. XP

Oops! Shouldn't have turned on flash. I won ninety cents! :D And lol, the formation of the four coins on the right reminds me of Sharingan. o.O

Oh, and thanks to Sze Ling, Liying, Sakura, Jasmine and Wen Qian for sending me New Year's SMSes while I was playing Blackjack! XD

Took a photo of the view of the carpark from outside grandmother's house as we prepared to leave and go home.

Tried taking a photo of Dave at the void deck as well. XP

Lol! My uncle (Dave's father) got a New Year's SMS, but because of his poor eyesight, he stood rooted to the ground with eyes squinted, trying to concentrate so he can read the SMS. XD He stood down there for one entire minute, lmao, enough time for me to take out my handphone and stand beside him, doing the same pose for some laughs, and later walk forward and take a photo of him! XD

Lol, and took a photo of a Mercedes car we found in the carpark as well. XP

We left for home afterwards.

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