Monday, August 06, 2007

Gay Couple!! XD

Morning assembly, and both the teacher who barks at people everyday to stand up and the principal are wearing the same pink shirt. Yoshida's first reaction was, "Gay couple!" Wow, they even have their own couple dresses... XD

First period was Geography. Got another map-reading worksheet to practice on. Zzz... If only I have the ability to fall asleep instantly and immediately as and when I want it, haha.

For the next period, we had to go to the hall. Temasek Polytechnic has a new course, Psychology, and they sent someone to come and talk, hoping to interest us to join the new course, lol. Didn't know psychology would be involved in online gaming, haha. The speaker's example was a nice one, lol. In MapleStory, why would a level 70 guy still be killing slimes? XD My first immediate answer: To irritate and kisiao the newbs around. Then, I was able to easily and immediately imagine a scene of six level fifteen newbs running and jumping around a smiling level 70 wearing elegant mage robes, the newbs making angry faces and scolding whatever vulgarities went into their minds, the stronger ones stopped by the chat filter... XD Turns out the answer is because the slimes may drop something very valuable that the level 70 would want, lol. Hmm... Interesting, very interesting... I never know how psychology could be so closely related to online games like that. Hmm... Yuhaimi is interested in the Psychology course, right? Yosh! After I graduate from my Games and Entertainment (*pauses blogging for a while. It's Chinese lesson now, Vernon's doing his Maths practice prelim paper, and he's stuck on a Remainder and Factor Theorems question, so I have to teach him how to do it XD*) course, and Yuhaimi his Psychology course, I'll work on an online game, and I'll hire him to make sure players are motivated to experience and enjoy to the fullest extent the game has to offer. XD Rofl, we aren't even sure we can get into the respective courses we want, and truth be told, the confidence we have of being able to get into those particular courses couldn't go any freaking lower. Sigh...

Edit made on 3 May 2008: Damn Yuhaimi! He went to Mobile and Wireless Computing instead!!

Was recess next. Wanted to go to the laptop area and read up on FFXII guides, but the laptops were removed, rofl. Can't the school management be a little more decisive and far-sighted, and not implement shit just to remove them the next day? Sigh...

So we went to the library instead. Sigh, those 4R4 gangster bastards just freaking love to hang around where we hang out and create trouble for us, do they? No-life bastards. Yoshida accidentally threw a postcard at them, and damn, they almost wanted to start a fight and attack us. One of them even got a chair and prepared using it as a weapon. Hmph. Those bastards can just bring it on. I doubt we'd lose, even if we are outnumbered four-to-six. Then, they get cold feet and went back to sit down. Tch, cowards. And here I was, itching for a fight. How the hell can we lose, we have Ephraim with us here! That guy, with his short height, has a high evasion stat of (insert infinity symbol here)! We'll just use him as a tank, send him up first, and while those noobs are busy trying to attack him, we'll charge up and finish the battle. Tch. Easy. :P Yuhaimi and Faizal came a while later, and I chatted with them about the Psychology talk, while Yoshida, Vernon and Ephraim started discussing about anime.

Chinese lesson now. Nothing to do, so here I am, blogging, haha. The teacher kept sweeping up and down the classroom, so I kept having to hide my handphone everytime she walks past. I'm glad she stopped doing so, lol. Got herself a laptop and now busy surfing porn at the teacher's table for all you know... XD Argh, she's sweeping down again! *hides handphone hurriedly*

English next. Teacher was going through the ten pieces of part two composition group work assignments, although she only managed to go through two of them before time is up. One hour, two of them. Nice speed.

It was assembly next. Briefing on what to do for National Day Celebration two days later. I hope it doesn't suck like Racial Harmony Day, lol. And apparently we're supposed to use balloons to make a gigantic flag of Singapore to create some lame record. Boring! What's the freaking point? It's just to show off; a waste of time. Sigh... And they estimate needing seven thousand balloons to pull it off. Whoa, huge number, best of luck to them. :S And then, there, all of us were supposed to blow two balloons each. Lol, why bother doing it now? Let's just leave it 'til the day itself two days later... Tch. So yeah, Vernon and Ephraim didn't know how to blow a balloon, so I offered to help them blow theirs. Yet I can't tie the balloons up, so I had to leave the job to Sean behind me. Rofl. Just reminds me of Sanji's quote to Sogeking.
"Everyone has things that they can and can't do. Leave this guy's key to me. I'll do what you can't do. You do what I can't do! Think carefully. Read the situation!"
After blowing the balloons, we have to pass them up to the stage. Everyone, after blowing and tying, throws the balloons in front, and the people in front whack the balloon forward, and the people further ahead whack it, until the balloons reach the stage. The scene was extremely nice, lol, hundreds and hundreds of balloons up in the air, and boy, was it fun too, whacking the balloons is fun. :D And of course, we have weirdos left, right and center. Some of them blowing and blowing until the balloons burst in a loud noise, others blowing and letting go, so they fly around making a huge noise.

Of course, the teacher is not one bit happy about the chaotic way the balloons reach the stage, so he just has to freaking spoil the fun, shouting and shouting until everyone stopped. *rolls eyes* What I like is the air of defiance evidence. Everyone is just ignoring him and continued whacking and whacking, so the teacher just had to shout and shout and shout. Pfft. So nearing the end, some pesky obedient little boys and girls just have to be all obedient and listen and obey instructions and... *spits*, spoiling the fun, grabbing whatever balloons unlucky and unfortunate to get into their paths and walking all the way to the stage to deposit them there. *spits* I hate this kind of people.

We returned to our classroom to retrieve our items, particularly physics textbooks and pencil boxes, before going for physics. The door was open, since Yoshida was the first to enter, and he kicked the door close, blocking Vernon and my entrances. To our surprise, when we open the door, we saw a crow sitting on a pile of books at the side of the classroom! Playfulness filled me immediately. I hurriedly close the door, took and wielded the broom like a sword and rushed towards the crow, swinging it around to scare it to flying around the classroom, trapped. :P However, both Yoshida and Faizal apparently thought that I was trying to kill the crow, because Yoshida kept shouting, "Kill it! Kill it!" and Faizal, too, was shouting, "Oi, stop it!" In the end, Ephraim came and open the window, enabling the crow's escape. Bleh. Fun spoiler.

Physics next. Teacher going through the prelim practice paper. Sigh, I only got 25 out of 40 for paper 1, that's only 62.5%, sigh. What a disappointment... I make too much careless and silly mistakes... XD

Vernon and I were the first to leave, lol, everyone just seems to be so happy hanging around and asking each other Physics questions. *rolls eyes* The two of us went to KFC for lunch, haha. He forgot to change the coleshaw in his order to whipped potato, lol, luckily I reminded him of that. Close shave, eh, bub? XD Mine cost $5.45, and yet my coins only added up to forty cents, and I don't like receiving coins for change, so I ended up borrowing five cents from Vernon. XD

I had to cut my hair (no choice, 'cause apparently, the teacher deems it too long *rolls eyes*), and Vernon's bus stop was between KFC and the barber, lol, so the two of us went to the bus stop together, and then I proceeding to the barber while Vernon boarded the bus.

Sigh, my hair got cut so short. I hope I can get used to my hairstyle soon, lol. At least it's not ridiculously short... *heaves a sigh of relief* Lol...

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