Thursday, August 02, 2007

So much school, it's rumbling!

Lol, there is one scene in Final Fantasy XII that is so funny. As the party prepares to leave the village of Viera, Vaan suddenly stops Fran, saying, "I'm just wondering...about what she said about you saying the same thing fifty years ago?" Fran asks, "Your point?" Vaan replies, "Um...How old are you again?" The scene stares at the party of seven in silence, with Vaan in the middle, Fran and Balthier at the left looking at Vaan, and the rest of the party behind Vaan on the right looking at him. After a long moment of silence, Fran finally turned back and leave, not saying anything. Balthier shrugs his shoulders, says, "Nice, Vaan." in an extremely sarcastic tone, dragging the 'nice'. The party behind Vaan starts to walk past him, with Larsa adding, "Surprisingly rude." and Penelo saying, "Try to grow up, please?" And Vaan's face still looked like it is saying, "Hey, what the hell did I do wrong?" XD

Gotta admit, today's not a bad day compared to the rest of the days nowadays, lol.

First period we had was A. Maths. Teacher was teaching Relative Velocity using Vectors, but I'm glad she gave us A. Maths prelim practice papers to do, so guess how I spent that one hour? XD

Chemistry was next. I was doing that A Maths practice paper, with two more Relative Velocity worksheets under my belt in back-up to keep me interested in case I finish the first one in less than an hour, but turns out the first one was already much more than enough for me... XD I overestimated myself, lol. Yoshida just realized that Luke took the torch from me (you know, as in the torch-carrying runners in Olympics? When one guy couldn't run any more, he passes the torch to the next guy, and the next guy would help him carry the torch to the destination). He was reading Harry Potter (the Half-Blood Prince if I was not mistaken), and Yoshida states that I used to read Harry Potter books during class two years ago too. XD Oh well, there were a whole stock of books for reading behind the class just directly behind my seat during Sec 2. XD Yet Yoshida remarks that Luke does not get caught for reading during class as much as me. XD But yeah, the teachers we have for this year seem not to care even if there is a war breaking out under their noses, so what's doing homework and reading Harry Potter books to them? XD

Social Studies next. Zzz. Teacher gave us two Structure-Essay Questions and went off to play her laptop for one entire hour. Damn, she's seriously starting to give me the impression that being a Humanities teacher is easy... XD

It was Recess after that. They added laptops at the area of benches on the second floor, and that's where we spent our time in. I was checking on episode lists of Bleach and One Piece, and then decide to go and watch the latest filler episode on Veoh, while Yoshida went and watch some anime called Kaze no Stigma on YouTube (I'm amazed, they haven't get to deleting it yet *rolls eyes*). Yet, it loads like shit. Yoshida's loaded eleven seconds after ten minutes, while mine is still a white screen after the same period of time. Furthermore, I checked on that particular laptop I used, there was only 6MB of memory left in it. That is absolutely pathetic. Just how much porn has been downloaded in there? *rolls eyes* Oh well, what am I expecting? Useless school laptops... Yoshida said he learned to appreciate his computer back at home. XD

Was Chinese next. Before the class, Yoshida and I are outside the classroom hanging the Reaper rug using thread that he found. Both of us were tying the thread to the bar (he attach two strings instead of just one to strengthen it, so we have to tie it twice), when he suddenly stops, frozen in his track. I can tell that what has happened before I even look up, so I continued calmly and finally looked up after I'm done to confirm my suspicion: The teacher is looking at us. XD The teacher seems to misinterpret us as flying kites. XD Come to think of it, I haven't even fly a kite before in my sixteen years of life... XD About Yoshida stopping so abruptly after realizing that the teacher is looking at him, I pulled something out of my ass, "Those who fear teachers have no futures." XD Another Chinese lesson spent on doing Maths. Vernon and I are asking each other Maths questions that we did not know how to do. XD

Was Physics next. Had to do datalogger again. To be honest, I'm still confused over how you used it, lol. We did it fast, screwing it up along the way, and then go back to doing Maths. XD

Geography next. Zzz as usual, lol. Teacher gave us preliminary papers to do. I gave it a glance and went, "Forget it.", opting to go back to doing Maths. XD Meanwhile, Yoshida and Yuhaimi were both similarly stuck in the first question. The instructions stated to refer to Figure A for some world map, but they just can't find Figure A. XD The teacher caught me doing Maths again, sigh, so I went and join the Crusade to find Figure A. XD We found it soon, it's in another separate worksheet. XD I went back to Maths pretty soon after that. XD Then the teacher sweeps down upon me again. Sigh. So she asks again the stupid question, "What's the point of getting distinction in maths if you don't do well in your weaker subjects?" Rofl, I can screw results for all I freaking care. XD Then, the teacher had to act smart and add that we should focus on our weakest subject (she assumes that Geography is my weakest subject *rolls eyes*) instead of our best subjects. To be honest, I almost had the urge to take out my Chemistry workbook. XD Oh well, 'cher, don't worry about it too much. I'll remember to do your prelim practice paper... during the next Chemistry lesson. XD

Next, we had to go over to the Physics lab to print the graphs of the datalogging that we did two hours ago. We waited for an hour lol, because there one entire class all wanting to print their shit, and there is only one printer (in operation that is, Yoshida found another printer under a visualizer and we joked about carrying it to the computer at the next lab and printing it there). Can't tell why, but even when we have nothing to do for that hour, it doesn't even seem boring for me, lol. Weird. So after one hour of waiting, we finally got it, but Sze Ling asked me to let her go first, so I was like, "Why not? Go ahead." Vernon got annoyed that he has to wait longer, muttering, "You and your chivalry." What? I get blamed even for that? Come on, give me a break, man! XD

We finally got our turn to print twenty minutes later. Vernon had to go early for some reason, so he put the graph he printed into his file and went off. After a while, we got ours printed, but then turns out we have to pass up our printed graphs and not take them home. X( Lucky for Vernon, he SMSed me and asked if I wanted to eat KFC (wait, then why was he rushing off for?). I invited Yoshida and Ephraim, but Particle E had to go off for tuition.

When Yoshida and I met Vernon, Yoshida told Vernon that he had to pass up his graph, so we went all the way back to the lab, lol. Then, I realized that we had walked the stairs between the second and third floor of the science lab for six times that day... XD

Finally, the three of us went to Tampines Mart to eat KFC. Surprisingly, the restaurant was crowded, even though it is already 4pm then. We stood before the counter for a long time, discussing what we should do. Finally, we decided to take away our food and eat at some table at some void deck, when just after Yoshida ordered his food, a table clears, and Vernon told me to hurry up and occupy it before someone else come, like a hawk having sighted its prey. XD Yoshida had to change his order from take away to eat here. XD

Halfway through eating, Yoshida decided to lie back while eating his Bandito Pockett, when the next thing we know, Yoshida shouts, "Fuck!", there is a blot of see chilli sauce on his uniform at the right side around his chest area, there is a piece of chicken meat on his arm. He cleaned it up, cursing and cursing XD, surprisingly went and finish eating it, and finally remarks that he learnt not to lean back while eating. It's good that people learn new things everything... XD Vernon remarks that he got another mark on his uniform, referring to the blot of chilli sauce, and I knew what he was talking about, the spot of marker ink that Vernon gave to Yoshida last time (Yoshida is wearing a different uniform though, I spot no spot of black ink above his chest pocket). XD

And yeah, I'm astounded. Vernon, with his slow eating speed, actually finished his lunch faster than both of us... O.O Yeah, Vernon says it's because his meal was a lot smaller, but I don't think that justified it, lol, since this is actually the first time he finished earlier than us... XD Yoshida, after realizing that Vernon finished, pretended to eat his whipped potato extremely fast. XD

After lunch, we split up, with Vernon going east (towards the school) to catch a bus back home, while Yoshida and I went southeast, me back home and Yoshida to tuition (his tuition is actually just beside my house). Vernon actually went together with us after exiting KFC for a while, before he realized, asked, "Eh, why am I going this way? Bye." and went the other way. XD Yoshida and I went together, and we said bye at my void deck, me catching a lift up while he walked over to the next flat where his tuition is.

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