Monday, August 27, 2007

Here Comes The Preliminaries!! VIII

Makes me so happy that tomorrow is finally the last day of the preliminaries! Well, not technically, the day after tomorrow is the last day, but tomorrow will be the last day for me, as I myself don't have any preliminary papers on Wednesday. :D

I'm falling in love with the Hare Hare Yukai dance, as featured in the ending of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, lol. The dance is so cute, the song is so cute, the girls are so cute... XD

Got my hands on One Piece volume 46 yesterday, mwahaha. After reading up to Chapter 468 online and understanding the basic foundation of Thriller Bark, I must admit, now that I read back, it seems to make much more sense, and I can understand it much better. It's always good to go back, ya? XD

There wasn't any SBS for this volume, but instead Oda shows us the exterior and interior of the new ship, Thousand Sunny. I gotta admit, it's breathtakingly awesome and SUPER! Franky has indeed done a SUPER job on it. XD

I like how in the kitchen, Sanji puts all food that can be eaten directly inside the locked fridge, and food that cannot be eaten raw and must be cooked in the storage, to prevent Luffy from sneakily eating food. XD Let's all tell Luffy the PIN to unlocking the fridge, "7326", and hell would break out!! XD

I also like how in the guys' room, the guys had pasted their wanted posters on the walls to show off, lmao, even Chopper with a pathetic amount of 50 belli! XD I like how Sanji didn't paste his more. XD Rofl, he must have find it a pathetically ugly picture and refuse to paste it. XD

Let's see, today's papers...

Chemistry Paper 1 was first. Pfft, I couldn't be bothered to give a damn about Chemistry. Even wonder why was I even there in the first place, I'm so freaking sleepy I couldn't open both eyes at the same time, and had to switch routine between my left and my right eye in order to avoid knocking into obstacles like Alvin. -_- Like you know, the left eye opens for ten seconds while the right eye sleeps for ten seconds, then switch, etc. -.-

As expected, I rushed through the paper, relying a lot on my calculator's random function (I must admit, whoever implemented that seemingly useless function is a GENIUS). I finished it in 15 minutes, then went to sleep.

Warning: I'm maneuvering into dangerous territory here. If you for some reason can never stand vulgarities, racism, or all those other bulshit, please fucking leave.

So halfway through the paper, when I'm comfortably sound asleep, there was some stupid changes to the paper. As if I care a fuck about some fucking changes. So the freaking bangla invigilator caught me asleep, and thought that she is being a merciful angel by kindly waking me up and informing me of the presence of the stupid changes, as if I can care a fuck. To be honest, I was still conscious then, I'm aware of the changes, I just couldn't be bothered to wake up and change my answer according to the changes, because:

One, this is Chemistry we are talking about, and since when do I have gave a damn about the subject or my results in the subject?
Two, I got those answers by using the calculator's random function, so what's the difference?
Three, I don't know how to freaking do the question anyway, so what's the point?
Four, I'm so fucking sleepy, and to me, sleep is much much more important than Chemistry. Here's an equation to make it simpler to those mathematic-crazy nerds.

So apparently, the fucking bangla teacher with bird shit for brains (don't ask me why bird shit, it's just what scrolls into my head as I type this message) somehow manages to delude herself that she is being an extremely kind and noble woman for informing a student completely in dreamland of the changes [ignoring the fact that the student may seem much happier in dreamland. I don't know, but I'm extremely glad that I wasn't in dreamland (or more specifically, dreaming about spending time with a cute girl :P), because I'd have freaking kick her with a Hero Hero Axe the moment I wake up], and thus, expecting to obtain a Nobel Peace Prize for her noble act (I don't know, but that's the Nobel Prize most associated with the shit that's going through her mind I guess), freaking starts to wake me up.

But of course, my mind is clouded with sleepiness, my body is binded with sleepiness, I can't think, I can't move, so I could do nothing but laze and sleep. So the teacher, believing that she is doing a great deal of good for the fucking sake of humanity (don't ask me how disturbing a helpless student can be considered as "doing a great deal of good for the fucking sake of humanity", ask the bangla bitch), decides to disturb me and force me to wake up. You can't believe the fuck she did, man. First she uses a piece of paper and whack me on the head repeatedly for fifteen seconds. Of course, I'm a kind man, I tolerated her, I ignored her, I let her do what she want, and for fuck's sake, she reached out for a yard after taking an inch, and started to poke me everywhere with her stinking, dirty marker at every freaking spot I expose my skin. For fuck's sake, you cruel, evil woman! (What's that quote again? The one Uthas the Lightbringer said to Arthas before he died in Warcraft III... Oh yeah!) I dearly hope that there's a special place in hell waiting for you!! But of course, my tolerance waning, I decided to continue ignoring her. After all, there's this Chinese proverb that says "大人不计小人过", meaning that a greater man does not make note of a lesser man's faults literally, so what can I do? So now, the bangla bitch apparently thinks it's starting to be a fun pastime. After all, looking after kids doing their exam papers for one hour is a tiring and boring chore, right? So she starts shaking my chair. Shake, shake, shake. If I need a shake, I'd have slept at the epicentre of a earthquake, god damn it! So yeah, that bitch continues to shake, shake, shake, thinking, "Wow, this is so fun! I must recommend this to my friends!"

Of course, there is yet another Chinese proverb that says "老虎不发威,你当我是病猫", meaning that if the tiger doesn't get angry and show his might, one might think of it as a sickly cat. So I sat up, and shouted (not like I wanted to do it, it's in the middle of a freaking exam after all, and I fear disturbing my classmates, but asking me to tolerate this further is just plain ridiculous!!), "CAN YOU STOP BOTHERING ME?!" (By the way, it is with full restrain, both physical and mental, that I did not add, "you fucking bangla bitch!!" ^_^"). She weakly tries to justify herself, "But there are changes to the paper!" Of course, I'm already freaking aware of that. I wanted to reply, again in the loud and frustrated tone, stuff like, "I don't give a fuck about your changes!" "Screw your changes, bitch!", but yeah, I'm too sleepy, so I just went back to sleep.

Thinking back, I realized that my anger management has improved a lot! If the me five years ago is faced with a similar experience, I wouldn't just shout. I have analysed the situation, and analysed myself five years ago, and I have reached the conclusion that the below might be a few actions of what I would do.

1. Grab my pencil, thrust it upwards with full force and stab it into her eyeballs. But of course, my pencil will get extremely dirty (she's a filthy bangla after all), and I prefer to keep my pencil, so I wouldn't do that now, but who knows abut the me five years ago. Maybe he would grab Yoshida or Larry's (those two are sitting beside me by the way) pencil(s) and do the same. That's more cruel to Yoshida and/or Larry, yeah. :P

2. Grab the table I am sleeping on, raise it up high, jump up and smack it with full force into the bitch's face. Of course, again, I wouldn't do that now. My spectacles, calculator and pencil box are all on the table, and I'm sure they would all break if I perform such a powerful maneuver. But I bet the me five years ago would not hesitate to do so. After all, I only started wearing spectacles two years ago, and my pencil box five years ago is filled with junk a lot cheaper than the junk inside my pencil box now. Wait, can I even raise a classroom table up high five years ago...? *thinks* Oh yeah, I think I can. I remembered throwing a table playfully when I was a kid. Haha, those times when you can give no damns about consequences.

3. Shout this incantation: "Walls of ironsand. Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! A priestly pagoda, glowing ironclad fireflies. On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. Standing upright, silent to the end. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens. Way of Binding, number seventy-five! Quintet of Iron Pillars! Way of Destruction, number sixty-three! Twin Lotus Blue Fire, Crash Down!!" And then proceed to laugh out loud as five incredibly tall and thick pillars fall from the sky and pin the bangla bitch to the ground, and then fires two shots of flaming blue spiritual energy with great potency over a wider area and with more power at the bangla bitch. ...Hold on a minute, have I mastered the Way of Binding up to seventy-five and the Way of Destruction to sixty-three five years ago? I haven't right? Fuck it.

4. Draw my Zanpakutou, shout, "BANKAI! KYOUDAI AIDAGARA!!" A great pillar of flame will engulf me, and then forms into a great Chinese dragon of flames, winding around me and controlled by the weird-looking sword hilt that I am holding. Then, I raise my sword hilt high up into the sky and slam it down at the floor, so that if there is a sword blade, it would pierce and sunk into the ground, the entire dragon absorbed into the ground, heating it up to extremely high temperatures. Then I will shout, "KUZURYUUJIN!!" The ground will then burn up so badly a red aura descends, the ground radiating heat at dangerous levels, and nine great Chinese dragons born from entirely flames will burst out of the ground, at spots surrounding the bangla bitch, and engulf her in a sea of flames and despair. ...That'd be perfect, of course, but I haven't master Bankai yet five years ago. (Yeah, that's the concept of my Zanpakutou. Just let me finalize it... when I feel like of course. XD)

So my behaviour is now a lot better, isn't it? :)

Yeah, sorry for the racist content, but you expect me not to be racist after that? Fat hope.

After that, we are given 50 minutes for last-minute revisions before Physics start. Great, such a long time, zzz... Yoshida, Vernon and I started studying together, but eventually we started discussing stuff like Final Fantasy. XD

Pure Physics Preliminary Paper 1 (Or PPPP1 for short o.O) was quite easy, lol. Except I dare not have confidence in my results, because I know that if I do so, I would definitely be disappointed when I get back my paper and saw a bad result, so I'll look at the dark side and be a good, pessimistic boy. XD

And we went home after that, yay! :D

Fuck it, Geography Paper 2 tomorrow... *checks the combined number of pages for both Sec 3 and Sec 4 textbooks* 569 pages! Fuck it, man! I'm going to die of extreme boredom... Zzz... -.-

And oh yeah.

Actually... Ponytails turn me on.


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